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Argumentative Paper: Guns Should be Banned in the Country

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Essay Sample Content Preview:
Guns should be banned in the country
American people have for the past years enjoyed self-protection by owning their guns. Because of increased insecurity, the government had proposals that the people can have registered guns for their self-protections. Because of weak regulations misuse of guns have been common within the population to an extent that the citizens consider it as a threat (Gabrielle, 127). It is due to a number of reasons, such as the safety of the society and the security of neighborhoods, that guns should be banned.
In America procedures are outlined by the government on how to own a gun legally. These methods include tests to prove that one is mentally stable and will use the guns for the right purpose. The reasons for the acquisition of the same guns are also important to outline for they show the credibility of an individual as they apply to have them as licensed owners. For such reasons some people were allowed to have guns in America like political leaders, celebrities and other individuals who feel the use of a weapon will improve their security. Other members of the society also needed guns and started applying for them. At this point, problems were noticed as people began to have guns unlawfully.
Out of law acquisition of guns is a problem that erupted as people used guns to accomplish unconstitutional activities as they hid behind no-registers for the guns that they acquired. Friends and other family members gave arms to others as gifts and led to wrong guns in people’s hands (Gabbrielle, 127). Thugs and robbers also started getting guns out of law and used them for unlawful acts. As a result, the people became troubled as deaths increased and insecurity issues increased (Gabbrielle, 127). Furthermore, everybody started applying for guns so that they would use for their protection. These and many other issues have led to more gun violence in America.
As a measure that the government will use to curb gun violence in America, the best step is first to reduce the number of guns that are unlawfully held by the people. The department of security has a database of guns that are owned by individuals by legal registration. Through their databases, they can use it first to track the unlawfully owned guns by amnesty so that people can surrender the guns they did not acquire procedurally. By doing so, they will be communicating with the people on their commitment to solving the menace by peace and not force. Most people find the government reliable on their promises and they will not fail to obey their request.
For the case of those owning guns by lawful procedure, some have also been found to be using them on cases that they cannot prove they had their security threatened. Most of them ignore the teaching on gun use and resort to their own knowledge on why and when to use guns. The security departments will have to convince these people to surrender their weapons too for a peaceful society where none will be having one or threaten other people’s lives. In doing so, they will have to assure these people of their security.
In surrendering the guns, it will not be an event that the government can wake up and start doing. Most of these will have to pass through a parliamentary and senate procedure. Department of Security can formulate laws that will guide their steps for acquiring guns to regulate use and instil peace. Political leaders being the first people who are entitled to have guns may be reluctant to pass the laws. They should, however, be convinced of the dangers that the states are facing currently and the importance of taking back the guns (Hanson, 56). The security details and issues should be well addressed in an evidence-strong basis. When the government can pass the laws and bills that will guide the recollection of guns, the procedure can follow without leaving a single stone unturned. Once passed, any person who does not obey the laws should face punishment for failure to comply with government directives. The benefits of banning the guns are numerous as highlighted now.
First, the unaccounted number of deaths yearly because of gun violence has been rising to thirty thousand. Unlawful use of guns is against the right to live. Americans should uphold the Constitution by having the guns back as the first procedure. Definition of the right to life is evident in the constitution and there are guides, which consider extreme cases, in which one’s life can be taken away for example terrorists acti...
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