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American System: National Committee for Effective Congress

Essay Instructions:

Select your essay topic by visiting website and reading articles from one of the chapter options below
Write an essay (three paragraphs: minimum of five sentences per paragraph) include the following: explain why you decided to research that topic
how does it relate to the chapter(s) covered in this module
discuss whether you consider this site a good tool for learning about American politics as well as your views on the topic overall
Written Requirement: All assignments must be written using proper English grammar, punctuation, and spelling. Five (5) points will be deducted for each spelling, grammatical, capitalization, syntax, and/or punctuation error. Work that contains more than five (5) spelling, grammatical, and/or punctuation errors; or work that does not meet the minimum number of sentences required will receive 0 points.
Instructor reserves the right to submit all written work to Turnitin.com to verify originality. If your work has been plagiarized in any way, you will receive a 0 for the assignment.
Chapter Options:
Chapter 9: Congress
1.National Committee for Effective Congress provides a broad range of national and international political information. To learn what are the current predictions on electoral races at the U.S. Senate, visit http://www(dot)ourcampaigns(dot)com/SenateList.html or vist http://www(dot)ourcampaigns(dot)com/HouseList.html for information on electoral races in the House of Representatives.
2.Earmarks are language that members of Congress insert into legislation that dedicates funds for specific uses, many whose broad benefits can be questioned. http://www(dot)Washingtonwatch(dot)com tracks your representatives and the bills in Congress they introduce, providing estimates of their costs or savings when available.
3.The Library of Congress "Thomas" website is an excellent source of information on current legislation. To find about present bills at the 113th Congress go to: http://thomas(dot)loc(dot)gov/home/LegislativeData.php?&n=BillText&c=113

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The rule of law in this country has always been the defining factor of virtually every aspect of the American system. The reason for researching on this topic is to find more information on the laws enacted to streamline governance in the country. The concept of earmarks and their respective relevance is brought to the fore. Politicians always earmark funds for projects, some of which never come to fruition. It also offers more importance when it comes to the curious aspect of the government. The need for research on this topic is even more relevant, given the current impending changes in not only the legislations but also the presidency. This is bound to have an impact on the way things are run at both levels of government. Earmarks are structurally, the language of politicians. It is what they regularly use when it comes to the allocation of funds or certain resources. Fraud and earmarking are closely related terms, as is the term corruption. It would therefore be important to have a follow-up of everything they do.
Reading through this chapter sheds oven lighter on the understanding of the other topics in this module. First, there is the underlying realization that it is interconnected to the other themes and subtopics. In essence, it is part of the continuum that is the coursework. It sheds more light on the understanding of not only how bills are made, but also how the Representatives perform in government. In understanding how they work, the topic connects wel...
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