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Violence versus Anti globalization movement

Essay Instructions:

Your notes should include a summary of the main arguments of the article, a short evaluation of the evidence used in the article, and a brief discussion of any connections you see between that article and other materials from the course. You can also include questions that the article has raised, just like you would if you were preparing for class. The required article is attached. you do not need any sources but if you have to then go ahead. please keep the english at a regular level. Thank you.


Violence as a Tool of Order and Change: The War onTerrorism and the Antiglobalization Movement


September 11, it is said, has changed everything. However true or not this may be—and I tend to think that it is not very true at all—one thing it certainly should have changed is the loose manner in which the adjective "violent" has been appended to recent antiglobalization protests. Especially for a conference such as this one—conceived in the wake of the Québec City events of last year and designed to shed light on the nature of the challenge posed to capitalist democracies by the new antiglobalization movement—the horrific and deadly terrorist attack on New York and Washington, D.C., and the scale of state violence unleashed—literally from on high—by the war on terrorism, certainly put this loose usage in stark perspective. This should give us pause about the way the word "violent" has been invoked in the media, and the way in which massive police and even military forces of containment have been mobilized every time there has been a large-scale protest at gatherings of corporate and political elites to further the globalization agenda. When the whole world is witness to passenger airplanes being deployed to destroy office towers in New York, and to military airplanes being deployed to rain bombs on villages in Afghanistan, the police designation and seizure as a violent weapon of a toy catapult designed to throw teddy bears over a security fence becomes even more surreal than the names of groups like the Society for Creative Anachronism or the Lanarkists that conceived this type of protest. Even those who engage in

Leo Panitch is Canada Research Chair in Comparative Political Economy, York University, Toronto. He is an editor of the Socialist Register and author of Renewing Socialism: Democracy, Strategy, and Imagination (Westview Press, 2001).

This is a revised version of a Keynote Address to the Conference, "Protest, Freedom and Order in Canada: Finding the Right Balance," Institute for Research on Public Policy and School of Community and Public Affairs, Concordia University, Montreal, March 11-12, 2002. It should be noted that this was a "mainstream" conference, at which the former head of Canada's security service, senior members of Québec's police force, and various politicians and civil libertarian lawyers, as well as social movement and antiglobalization activists, were also invited to speak. This address at such a venue was therefore intended to offer a sense of perspective from the left at a tricky and dangerous moment when imperial security defines the role of the state.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Violence versus Anti globalization movement
The article seeks to explore reasons as to why violence has been synonymous with the anti globalization movement in the West after the 9/11 attacks. Panitch suggests that anti globalization activists have an affinity to anti democratic features in many instances. Furthermore, they appeal to revolutionary ideals because the anti- globalization because of their stance against neo liberal policies, but right wing activists has also resulted to violence. To support the view that violence has been used to bring change the author states that even the least violent activists go on to join more violent groups in light of state sanctions (Panitch 27). For the anti globalization activists, there is evidence that the activists get inspiration from more violent elements in the third world like the Zapatista unrest in Mexico (Panitach 28).
The anti globalization movement is an avenue to challenge neoliberal policies mostly espoused by democratic nations. However, there is a conflict between democratic ideals and the polici...
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