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US history: Anti-Japanese Sentiments

Essay Instructions:

Please include your selected topic questions above your responses.


Topic 1: What was the social, political, and economic context in Europe after the First World War that could explain the formation and popularity of the Fascist Party in Italy and Nazism in Germany? What were some steps taken by Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler toward their rise to power?


Topic 2: What were some specific acts of German, Italian, and Japanese aggression in the 1930s and early 1940s that led to the outbreak of World War II? What could have realistically been done differently by the international community to prevent and possibly avoid armed conflict with these nations? What parallels can be drawn between current geopolitical events and what occurred in the years leading up to World War II?


Topic 3: What was the justification for the Roosevelt government issuing Executive Order 9066? (Avoid a simplistic response as you answer the following questions.) Which groups were affected by this act? What was life generally like in the internment camps? What were some of the adverse consequences of this decision for Japanese Americans in particular?


Topic 4: What were the rationalizations for dropping the two atomic bombs on Japan in August of 1945? What were the alternative options for ending the war without them? Which two cities were targeted for the bombings and what were the short- and long-term consequences of the detonations?

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U.S. History
Topic 3: What was the justification for the Roosevelt government issuing Executive Order 9066? (Avoid a simplistic response as you answer the following questions.) Which groups were affected by this act? What was life generally like in the internment camps? What were some of the adverse consequences of this decision for Japanese Americans in particular?
Anti-Japanese sentiments had been building in the U.S. jurisdiction for long before World War II started. The majority of Americans believed that Asian immigrants were a threat to Americans from racial and living standard standpoints (Lee n.p.). Complicating matters for the worse was an attack in Peal Harbor which the U.S. military blamed the incident on Japanese residing in Hawaii. These feelings compounded by the fear of Japanese-Americans taking over the United States, Roosevelt government issued Executive Order 9066 in a move to move to ensure U.S. borders are secure, especially regions designated as ‘military areas”. Although the order was not specific about a specific group, it was used to incarcerate Japanese aliens (Lee n.p.). The Japanese aliens were forced to move into “concentration camps.” This decision has several negative ramifications against Japanese aliens as they sold their homes and businesses at a lower price. Moving into the camps was a nightmare. It was poorly constructed and fenced with barbed wire. Worse is the fact that the military was monitoring the group’s moves. Some were “accidentally” killed, making a living in the camp unpredictable.
Figure 1 Concentration Camp (Ray n.p.)
Topic 4: What were the rationalizations for dropping the two atomi...
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