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US History after 1877

Essay Instructions:

Pick two of the four questions. Answer them in one document. 1. Define Progressivism in the United States and explain why it was such a popular movement. Identify and discuss one success and one failure of the Progressive movement. 2. Why did the US take a firm stand on maintaining neutrality in World War One in 1914? Why did the US reverse this policy and send American troops to Europe in 1917? Discuss reasons the US became involved in World War One. 3. What was the Great Depression in the United States? Discuss the causes of the Great Depression in the US. 4. How did Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal establish the basis of an American welfare state? In your answer, cite specific programs (more than one!) and explain if they are still used today.

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Essay Questions for HIST 1302 - US History after 1877
1. Define Progressivism in the United States and explain why it was such a popular movement. Identify and discuss one success and one failure of the Progressive movement
Progressivism moment arose in the United States in the 20th century mostly consisting of the reformists and middle class people who raised concerns on how the government was run rife with corruption. As United States became more industrialized and modernized, the middle class burgeoned and clamored for change from big corporations influencing the way the government was run to the general public input (Buenker 33). They advocated for social justice, environmentalism and vastly influenced American politics during that era and rebutted Social Darwinism theory.
With vehement political overtones, progressivism was able to influence the government to tackle inequality and poverty by enacting laws such as the renowned Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890 and the Interstate Commerce Act of 1887. However, this movement had its failures in that it was not able to pool all persons along due to differences in approach of progressivism with some in favor of an activist approach others a regulatory means (Hogan 46). With incessant conflict among the European countries that culminated in the World War I in the early 20th century, America under the presidency of Wood Rose Wilson had vowed to remain neutral in the war and continued trading with both belligerent parties of the engagement. Wood rose Wilson was keen to avoid being entangled in the war since he believed in the policy of a peaceful world.
However, when Germanys’ U-boats turned their aggression on commercial merchant ships and sunk several passenger liners with American tourists compelled the United States to align with the Entente powers against Germany. The fact that Germany offered military assistance to Mexico for Zimmerman Telegram aggravated the United States to declare war against Germany in 1917 (Tucker 71).
3. What was the Great Depression in the United States? Discuss the causes of the Great Depression in the US.
Culminating into WWII, the greatest world depression had its cradle in the United States in the infamous Black Tuesday of 1929 where the US stocks market crushed and g...
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