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United States' Use of Atomic Bombs on Japan

Essay Instructions:

For your opinion paper, I want you to consider this question:

Do you believe it was right for the United States to use the Atomic Bombs on Japan? Why or why not?

Even though this is an opinion question, you must back up your opinion with research and facts. You may take any view you wish, just make sure you answer the question. If you make a claim, be sure you have the evidence to back it up.

Here are some things to consider for your paper:

  1. It needs to be a 3 to 5 pages in length (double-spaced, 12 point font.)
  2. You need at least 5 sources. (Credible sources – books, magazine articles, journals, newspaper or tv news, etc.)
  3. You need a clear thesis (answer to the question), supporting evidence and a conclusion.
  4. Your paper needs to be grammatically correct and free of spelling errors.
  5. You may use any citation style you wish (MLA, Chicago, APA), just make sure you are consistent.

Be sure to proofread your paper. Many mistakes can be fixed by reading your paper out loud. This essay is worth 100 points.  

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Atomic Bombs On Japan

War usually leaves lasting impacts on the parties involved and even to some extent, those parties not involved, as collateral. The decision by the United States to drop an atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki at the end of World War II remains one of the most controversial actions in military history. Not only was it a reactionary and rather careless move by the U.S but also seemed to disregard the basic rules of war. Although proponents argue that the atomic bombs were necessary to secure victory, save American lives lost in a ground invasion, and quickly end further bloodshed, the immense destruction and ethical implications make it difficult to defend this action morally. It was not right to use the atomic bomb on Japan. The bombings cannot be justified because they primarily targeted civilians, radiation poisoning created long-term health consequences, and the United States did not need nuclear bombs to end the war; the Soviet Union’s entry into the Pacific War was an equally decisive factor prompting Japan’s surrender.

The primary targets of the atomic bombings were civilian populations, directly contradicting just war principles. In fact, Hiroshima was specifically targeted for bombing because it was an urban center; this could well demonstrate the US atomic bomb's destructive power (Britannica). On August 6th, 1945, Hiroshima’s 350,000 residents were going about typical daily life 

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