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Iconoclasm Dispute That Took Place in the Eighth Century (Unit 7)

Essay Instructions:

There are 2 options, so just choose whichever one: Option 1: In a one-page paper (maybe two pages), summarize the main issues of the Iconoclasm dispute that took place in the eighth century, using such sources as the Catholic Encyclopedia, John of Damascus, the Decree of the Second Council of Nicea, or any other sources you wish to use. Please be sure to cite your sources. Catholic Encyclopedia link: http://www(dot)newadvent(dot)org/cathen/07620a.htm John of Damascus link: http://legacy(dot)fordham(dot)edu/halsall/basis/johndamascus-images.asp the Decree of the Second Council of Nicea link: http://legacy(dot)fordham(dot)edu/halsall/source/nicea2-dec.asp Option 2: Read the short version of the Russkaia pravda (the earliest Russian law code) and write a one-page paper in which you compare and contrast this early Russian law code with other law codes such as Hammurabi, the Ten Commandments, etc. Russkakia pravda link:http://web(dot)grinnell(dot)edu/individuals/kaiser/exrp.html Note: if you choose option one, then you'll to do 3 citations. If you choose option 2, then you only need 1.

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Iconoclasm Dispute That Took Place in the Eighth Century
The Iconoclasm Dispute occurred in the eighteenth century causing a disruption of peace within the Roman Catholic Church especially in the Eastern regions. The attempt to resist Christianity is considered to have been spearheaded by the Muslims who believed in the notion that the inclusion of images in worship was a form of idolatry (Pallis, 2015). As a result of this, the Muslims preached a message aimed at condemning the Catholic Church as an idol worship denomination. Khalifa as detailed in the source is considered to have conducted a cue of resistance at Damascus, an aspect that resulted in unrest.
The Catholic Church was not happy about this movement since the Muslims took actions on the images they used for worship. Yezid and his successors declared that these pictures were used as idols and made attempts to prevent their use by the Catholic Christians. However, the Bishops in the Roman Church during the 8th century that included Theodosius of Ephesus, Nicolai in Phrygia, Claudiopolis and Xenaes of Hierapolis alleged that this was a denial of their rights and freedoms to worship (Vandrunen, 2012). Leo who was Isaurian soldier with an autocratic temper acted harshly in persecuting the Paulicians and Jews on grounds that they engaged in the practiced of idol worship, an attempt that Khalifa tried to stop by converting him into Muslim which was in vain. Leo's attempts were directed towards purifying the Church and restricting idolatry in order to centralize the ruling of the Church during this period.
It is however essential to note that the Iconoclast emperors had a rational approach in reviewing their issues. Leo therefore ordered the mitigation of images that were used as idols and quoted Exodus 20:4-5. This resulted in protests from the G...
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