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Thomas Jefferson

Essay Instructions:
The back wall of the auditorium needs some better decoration. Choose Thomas Jefferson as an individual of historical significance who you believe should cover the back wall. Here is how the extra credit will work: Provide at least two full pages (10 point font, double-spaced) of a (biographical) description of the historical figure you wish to nominate. You will also need to explain why you believe they should decorate the auditorium wall with Thomas Jefferson. You must read and include an historical work when your write up your nomination. Make sure sources are legitimate pieces of history and only use online sources.
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Thomas Jefferson
Picture House is the oldest cinema building in Scotland. It is the first cinema house in Campbell town and shows films in an atmosphere of a stylish decoration. The picture house was opened on 26th May 1913. Its architectural design was done by a historic cinema architect- AV Gardener. The plan projection of the Picture House has a series of concentric ovals, highest and narrowest with a projection box and a large oval below the one at the level of the balcony with a curved outlook and a foyer under. Its curved walls are very visible on the peripheral frontage, mirrored on the back wall of the auditorium.
The back wall of the auditorium requires some better decorations (Palladio 44).  In 1935, Gardener redeveloped and modernized its interior and constructed some small buildings on both sides of the screen and the balcony to improve accessibility to the stairwells. Additional improvements in the foyer and the outside walls were done in 1940s.The main foyer was made large and the doors were replaced (Pierson 297).
Decoration of the back wall of the Picture House is due to commence and architects are required to do the decorations. Thomas Jefferson   can be nominated to decorate the back wall of the Picture House. Jefferson achieved fame because of his accomplishments in architectural designs. He was influential because of his creative innovation of the Neo Palladian style which was very popular during the Whig aristocracy of Britain and the United States (McDonough 36). Being the designer of the first buildings that included his home - Monticello, he became a renowned architect. In addition to that, he was the man who introduced the original architectural curriculum and the residential styles. Jefferson designed the Polar forest for his private retreat and public life. He also contributed to the design of...
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