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The Role of Religion

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The Role of Religion
Presently, it is clear to many people than ever before on the existence of many different religions in the entire world. Because of the existence and even emergency of many religions in the world today, it is natural for human beings to inquire on the commonalities and differences on these religions. However, matters related to religion may not be easy to articulate or provide an infinity answer to all the people. In the world today, there are large and small religions, and while some are spread throughout the world, others are just centred in particular places (Masuzawa, 2005, 49–61). Among the large religions in the world today include Christianity, Islam, Hinduism and to some extent Budhism. A closer observation to these religions will indicate the divisions and varieties among them. In most instances, each of the variations in each religion considers themselves to be the “true form” of which others were derived. In essence, some of the differences exhibited by these religions are so different to extent that they can be considered different religions altogether.
Religion has however been identified as one of the strong factors in many aspects of the modern world as one of the causes of conflicts. This owes to the fact that no two religions or divisions within a single religion agree entirely on all of their religious concepts. John Hepp observes that the aspect of religion is interconnected with culture and is in most instances employed by an individual or group of individuals to cover up for other ambitions or motivations. On the contrary, Clarke observes that religion in general, posts other positive aspects that can be acknowledged by many people. The norms and laws that are in use in many societies today have their roots in religion. It is probable that the world could have been different today with regard to the level of crimes and injustices in the case where religion was absent. Living in a world with no religion could indeed make people to be in their worst state morally (Nelson, 2009, p330). This study evaluates the role of religion in the traditional and modern perspective.
Role of Religion in traditional Perspective
In the world history, religion has always played an important role in many aspects. Indeed, it has been central to many people’s life in terms of politics, social life and spiritual aspects. Quarshie Hugh in his BBC commentary on the influence of traditional religions postulates that in traditional perspective, religion was like the spinal cord of many people’s daily life. There were prayers where these people thanked there gods when they were successful and when they were needful. Moreover, it was a mark used to identify an individual or society (Quarshie Hugh, 2010).
Majority of people in traditional communities in most instances shared common spiritual beliefs. Their culture was to a larger extent based on those beliefs. Davis opines that not only has religion played a key role in social transformation but also integration. He goes on that, religion secured the social integration or order by labelling that order as secret or divine. Additionally, it sets the criterion for deciding on what kind of social life these human beings wanted. It also points out that not all that are done by human were good and worth (Davis, 1990, p243).
Indigenous values and spirituality were an importance aspect in the provision of guidance for sustainable life. Such kind of set principles and values encouraged people to live in harmony amongst themselves, their environment and their spiritual identifications. The philosophies of living sustainably that are derived from various cultural beliefs differ between different societies. They also evolved over time depending on the circumstances. In spite of the diversified cultural principles, we can note that many are common in the various societies, not only in cultural perspectives but also in the religious aspects (World Culture Report, 1999).
Role of Religion in the Modern Perspective
John Hepp postulates that religion in the contemporary world has to continue to expand but its functions is different from that of the past. Hepp’s reasoning is based on the assumption that today’s most observant “religious fundamentalist” do not rely wholly on spirituality as a solver of all their problems. He gives various examples of religious believers would still go to hospitals to get treatment when they get sick or get their cars repaired instead of seeking divine assistance. Hepp continues to argue that majority of the people in the contemporary world are not religious fundamentalist since they consider technology and science first before their religious beliefs. He goes on that religion in the present perspective plays a secondary role than a primary one. This aspect has lead to a greater degree to development of many religions in the world today. Today’s societies are conversant with existence of many types of religions in most parts of the globe; the different religions can coexist without major issues (John Hepp, 2012, p34-39).
As we just discovered in our study, religion has always been an important source of principles and values for society building. The primary reason animating the faith in god and his religion is for defending the harmony and interest of the human nature, and also to enhance the spirit of love and harmony (Stark, R., & Clock, 1968). In essence, religion stress of right moral obligations, loyalty, selfishness, obedience to law and other virtues are crucial in making a more civilized world. For example, Judaism which emphasises on divine law and one God have hel...
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