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Research the Impact Terrorism has had on American Culture Since 9/11

Essay Instructions:

This project is intended to offer you a substantive experience in multi level topical research. Activities will involve:
•Choosing a topic from the options list below, or suggesting an alternative
•Conducting both online and library based research
•Generating essay elements as a result of your research.
A. Topic Options
(History) Research the Second Industrial Revolution. Discuss the history of how the technological advancements impacted various level of human life and supported the concept of consumerism. Text Reference: pages 528-532
(Cultural) Research the impact terrorism has had on American culture since 9/11. Text reference: pages 634-635
(Philosophy and Religion) How did Luther's Revolt start and what impact did it have on religion in general? Text references: pages 367-372
(Science and Medicine) The Scientific Revolution. Review CH 16 and choose a topic of interest to you. Conduct your research and write your essay expanding on the topic you choose to examine. Text Reference: CH 16
B. Research Component
1.Read Text Reference section
2.Conduct additional research online [Google, Wikipedia, or any site you choose]
3.The following are guidelines that will help you evaluate websites. Review all five and choose one or two that will help you find trustworthy websites. Evaluating the reliability of a website is the goal of this part. Reliability factors will include: Accuracy; Timeliness; and Motivation
Checklist for Evaluating Websites
Ten C’s for Evaluating Internet Sources
Tutorial on Evaluating Websites
Evaluating Websites
Criteria and Tools
4.Use the tools in #3 to help conduct reliable research.
5.Support your web based examination with library based research. You may use the Library which is fully equipped to help you with academic research. Library research is a required part of the project assignment. On your Works Cited page you will list the books you examined and the name of the library where you found them.
C. Use Research Information to Craft
•Title Page
•Essay [800-1000] words
•Works Cited Page [minimum of six cited sources-combination of websites and library based texts and/or journals]

Essay Sample Content Preview:
The impact terrorism has had on American culture since 9/11
Before the 11th September 2001 terrorist attacks, the United States was not officially participating in any wars. Few Americans had ever heard of Osama bin Laden, al-Qaeda or any other terrorist organization. The country deported less than half the number of individuals it does today, and its surveillance activities were much less aggressive than they are now. The 9/11 attacks, together with the resultant US involvement in the War on Terror, led to changing concerns and attitudes towards vigilance and safety. It ushered in an era of policies that prioritized defense and national security, most of the times at the expense of civil rights. The changes have had a major impact on the world, especially in the Middle East where US-led military operations have triggered rebellions and unrest in many parts of the region. Below is a look at the impact terrorism has had on American culture since 9/11.
A notable effect of the 9/11 attacks involves changes in the American government. The Patriot Act is probably the most prominent piece of legislation that was influenced by the attacks. However, over 130 pieces of legislation related to the attacks were introduced to Congress a year after the attacks. Of those, 48 bills and resolutions were either signed or approved into law. Notable laws include Enhanced Border Security and Visa Entry Reform Act that requires Immigration and the State Department to share immigration and visa information with one another. According to Paquin & James (121), there was also the creation of government agencies such as the Department of Homeland Security whose role was to consolidate other agencies. Over 263, government agencies were either formed or re-organized following the 9/11 attacks. Budgets allocated to defense-related agencies also increased, with those of TSA, Border Patrol and The Coast Guard being more than twice they were before 2001.
Air travel is something else that was significantly affected by the 9/11 attacks. The most obvious and immediate changes are probably those that took place in American airports. Congress passed Aviation and Transportation Security Act, two months after the attacks. This act federalized security in airports through the creation of the Transport Security Administration. Before the attacks, security was handled by individual airports, often by outsourcing it to private security firms. The newly reorganized TSA executed procedures that included stricter ways of screening passengers and luggage. The only passengers who could go through security were those with tickets, and complex procedures and machinery were put in place to scan for explosives and weapons (Jenkins & Godges, 271).
Commercial aircraft also went through major overhauls. Notable changes include the introduction of fortified cockpit doors while some airlines did away with first-class cabin curtains. Nowadays, pilots can apply and be authorized to become federal flight deck officers; something ...
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