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HIS 101 Paper Assignment: The Song of Roland Analysis

Essay Instructions:

Here's the link for the instructions: http://www(dot)ctevans(dot)net/Nvcc/HIS101/Assignments/Roland.html

HIS 101
Song of Roland Paper Assignment

Read the Song of Roland (in its entirety).

Answer the following question in a one-page paper:

Citing specific evidence from the Song of Roland (not from the textbook), what were some of the main characteristics of the ideal knight during the reign of Charlemagne?

This question might also be phrased somewhat differently:  "How was a knight expected to behave?  What were the qualities that a knight should possess?  The paper requires that you gather evidence from a textual source (Song of Roland) to reconstruct the past (task 1), and that you then interpret that past by analyzing the evidence (task 2).  As you read the epic and take notes, you should look for any information that sheds light on the expectations of feudal behavior, for example, the decapitation of Marsilla's right hand is certainly one piece of evidence. 

Before proceeding, you might wish to read the short notes and review the study questions on the Song of Roland. 

Your paper must follow this format:

  • font size 10 or 12 only
  • one-inch margins
  • double-spaced
  • page number citations for your quoted evidence
  • not to exceed one (1) page
  • name at the top left
  • must have brief introduction and conclusion paragraphs (each not to exceed two sentences)
  • You may consider submitting drafts of your assignment to your instructor for feedback before submitting the assignment for a grade. At times, you may be asked to rewrite your essay before it is graded.  This is done for your own benefit and will result in an improved grade. 

Please take a moment to review Charlie's History Writing Center for specific information on the writing requirements for the assignments in the course.

Your assignment should be submitted as either the "required book paper" or the "extra credit book paper" on Blackboard following the directions for submitting assignments.

The Roland Paper is worth a maximum of 50 points as an extra credit paper.



Essay Sample Content Preview:
The period of influence of Charlemagne revolved around significant characteristics of an ideal knight. This statement develops in the case that the Song of Roland defined leadership and power as the main elements of an ideal knight. In this view, there is sufficient reasoning that develops from the period of influence of Charlemagne given that the ruler emphasized more on the need for a knight to be very determined in accomplishing their duties. As such, there is the justification that an ideal knight had to be loyal to the people that he served and most importantly, he had to be devoted to their work (Nelson 44). An interpretation of such reasoning originates from the fact that he had been allocated specific duties by his people.
A good example that defines such reasoning develo...
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