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Social and Economic Forces that Separated the World of Work and Play

Essay Instructions:

Choose one (1) of the following and, in an essay of no fewer than six and no more than nine pages, use it as a platform to summarize and explicate the most important themes of KNSISM 2210:

Sport, recreation, and play changed significantly over the course of the 19th century in the United States because work changed significantly over the course of the 19th century in the United States

During the 19th century, Americans repeatedly used sport, recreation and play to signal their prowess and status to others. However, the ways they did so changed over the course of the century.

Over the course of the 19th century in the United States, a series of social and economic forces separated the world of work and play – and then, by 1900, caused them to coalesce again.

Requirements and Guidelines:

Draw on assigned course readings in the construction of your answer. It will be evaluated based on quality of answer, quality of prose, and level of familiarity it demonstrates with course themes and assigned readings. Responses which demonstrate mastery of assigned readings and course themes will score well. Responses which demonstrate ignorance of assigned readings and course themes will score poorly, no matter what other merits they might possess. For this reason, you are strongly advised to limit your supporting materials to those presented in the course.

Your answer must draw on primary source documents from no fewer than seven (7) modules. Furthermore, at least one primary source document each from modules 14, 15, and 16 must be among the materials you draw upon. These are minimum requirements; feel free to draw as widely on course materials as your preparation allows.

Note on sources: “Primary sources” refer to sources, documents, or other evidence from the time period in question. They are different from “secondary sources,” which are created by historians. The National Police Gazette and American Fistiana are primary sources; Gorn’s The Many Art is a secondary source. You are encouraged to use both primary and secondary sources in support of your essay, but only primary sources count toward your seven-module-minimum requirement.

Your paper must be typed and double-spaced, with one-inch margins on all four sides of the page. Please use 12-point Times or Times New Roman font. Papers must contain proper citation of all material taken from written sources and be free of errors in grammar, usage, spelling, and punctuation. You must properly credit all material taken from written sources; please use either MLA (parenthetical) or Chicago (footnote) citation style. Guides to these citation styles can be found here (Links to an external site.) and here (Links to an external site.). Remember that a complete course bibliography is available in the syllabus to assist in accurate citation of your evidence.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
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USA 19th Century: The Social and Economic Forces that Separated the World of Work and Play
The New Leisure Society
In the late nineteenth century, another working-class arose that had more relaxation time and more discretionary cash flow than commoners had at any point experienced before in America. They were the representatives and administrators of enterprises, who, since they were working for another person, kept strict hours, had a reliable kind of revenue, and had less close to home interest in their work than was regular in independent ventures, where the proprietor had direct contact with his laborers. Anxious to invest their recently discovered energy and cash outside the working environment, the working class went to sports, either observers or members. Those not keen on athletic rivalry discovered different amusement and relaxation time exercises (Chadwick 1). Before the Gilded Age, coordinated relaxation was an extravagance delighted in by the privileged societies, who had inactive hours to spend in sports and amusement. Presently, be that as it may, the first-class needed to rival ordinary citizens on the battleground and for a seat in the crowd. Regular laborers and incompetent workers did not have the assets to participate in similar games and sporting quests for the working class. They tracked down their fun in manners regularly viewed as awkward by individuals aware of their societal position. Pub games and cantina-supported groups were mainstream in lower-class areas.
Source for Social Anxieties
Working-class men felt tested toward the finish of the nineteenth century. The individuals who worked for huge enterprises regularly felt that they had lost a portion of the power over their predeterminations that independently employed individuals had. The ladies' development and other social liberties activists compromised the feeling of force and pretentiousness white men had customarily delighted in. Many felt constrained to pronounce their manliness, particularly in sport (Clay 1). Numerous American ladies additionally delighted in games and occupied with different sporting pursuits, once in a while in explicitly isolated settings, here and there with their spouses and beaus. Energy, imperativeness, and strength had become signs of the public character, and the new working class broadcasted their American-ness for new outsiders and the world the same.
The Amateur Ideal in Sport
Sports cooperation and onlooker interest during the Gilded Age was remarkable, and there was no lack of games to play, particularly in the urban communities. Nineteenth-century individuals had an impossible to miss mentality toward novice sports acquired from England (Chadwick 1). Their unprofessional quality was an ideal that praised sports for the wellbeing of its own and protected affluent, privileged individuals from taking an interest with the center and middle-class athletes. The lower classes accepting compensation for athletic undertakings as though they were working on a task. For instance, Novice sports, like golf, tennis, Olympic-style events, basketball, and school football, addressed the last endeavor of the exclusive class to hold their conventional status. While most novice athletes clung rigorously to the beginner ideal all through the time frame, others, particularly individuals from metropolitan athletic clubs, who held winning to be the main piece of a game's challenge, covertly enlisted paid competitors to upgrade their groups’ distinction (The Ball Players Meet 1). The renewed introduction of the Olympic Games in 1896, in which no one but beginners could contend, conveyed the novice ideal into the 20th century.
Baseball was rapidly turning into the public interest. It had moved on from a noble man's down to a type of mass diversion. As urban communities and towns devoted increasingly more open land for sporting purposes, baseball became increasingly famous. The individuals who didn't appreciate playing were allowed the chance to watch. Other observer sports were likewise famous. Football had a huge after, especially on the school level. Colleges were blamed for employing ringers (experts) to help them dominate matches. The standards were genuinely remiss, and numerous wounds came about. In 1905, eighteen players were executed by wounds identified with football. Boxing turned out to be more good with another development — gloves. Basketball was created in 1891 in Springfield, Massachusetts, by a YMCA educator known as James Naismith (Browne 21). Planned as an indoor game, basketball empowered athletic rivalry throughout the cold weather months. Croquet and tennis gave a solitary chance in sport for coed play.
Sports Embrace the Business Ethic
Mirroring the business disposition of the time, elite athletics acquired traction in America during the last quarter of the nineteenth century. Despite the fact that prizefighting and pony hustling offered cash to its members prior to wartime, the main pro game after the Civil War was significant association baseball. By the last part of the 1890s, in any case, basketball, football, and golf likewise offered proficient freedoms (Smith 1). More than any of the other elite athletics, baseball reflected the innovative and administrative experience of the time, as group proprietors amplified benefi...
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