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Significance of Venus to Roman Poetry and Politics

Essay Instructions:

— What is the significance of the goddess Venus for Roman politics and poetry?

The essay must include:

1. primary sources , which are ancient sources, i.e.:

any passage that appears on the blog preceded by an ancient name, e.g.

Polybius (6.53): “Whenever one of their illustrious men dies,…”;

Livy (1.16): “As the king was holding…”

any passage from Plautus, Catullus, Vergil, Seneca

any ancient object, e.g.:

2. 2 of 3 sources must come from information above

Essay Sample Content Preview:
<University> Roman History through Mythology: The Significance of Goddess Venus to Roman Poetry and Politics <Name> History Prof. Čulík-Baird 23 April 2018 Religion has been part of the major development and historical origin of several civilizations and society whether it was ancient or modern. Mythology greatly influences every aspect of Roman's life and imparted a grasp of the Roman heritage. Although the ancient Romans rich mythology was derived from their predecessors, which are the Greeks, Roman mythology encompasses another perspective of power, values, and ancient views of the world that reflects their own identity as a different race. One of the powerful goddesses that were familiar and immensely significant for the Romans was the goddess, Venus. Venus is an Italian goddess of love, sex, beauty and fertility which was believed to be the counterpart of the Greek goddess Aphrodite. Despite her identification with Aphrodite, Venus was pronounced as a native Roman goddess who was not espoused from anywhere. In fact, the goddess name was derived from a Latin name, Venus which literally means “sexual love” and “sexual desire”. She was very important to the Romans as they claimed her as their ancestress. Because of Venus wide influence among Romans, it was not a surprise how she was inevitably significant to various aspects of the Roman culture, particularly, in poetic arts and politics. In this article, the political and poetical significance of Venus will be identified. It will also be accentuated how her role within the Roman religious system was far more complex and multi-faceted making her a goddess of influence in warfare and military success, as well as, a goddess of human's artistic expression of love, strength, and nobility. Gods and goddesses ability to win over giants and extraordinary creatures made the Olympians be militaristic in a sense, together with their personal areas of power and influence. Aside from being the goddess of love, sex, and beauty, Venus' recognition as a martial deity took an essential role in the political events of the Late Republic and Augustan period in Rome. The goddess ability to confer military favor and success in conflicts increased her influence and appeal of patronage among Romans and several powerful members of the society. Romans believed that a worthy political leader should be able to ensure the safety of the state through the success in battles, which consequently, determined by maintaining the favor of the goddess on the leader's position. In fact, Late Republicans emphasized how prominent men used to assert their power in the state due to their declaration of close connection with the goddess Venus. Since the Roman society was deeply affected by the fate, justices and judgment given by the gods, particularly, Venus who was very significant to Romans as they claimed her as their ancestress, exploitation of power has been easier manipulated by the great men of the Republic. Thus, allowing for an intense political competition to arise in regards to Venus favor (Smallcombe, 2017). One of these great men identified was Sulla who was a Roman general and statesman who had an honorable distinction in holding the consul twice. Sulla showed how he struck authority, independence, and power through his personal interaction with the divine. He gained fortune and success in military endeavors by associating the goddess qualities to his own undertakings and political gain. His adoption of Venus as his personal patron deity enabled him to use his title, which was translated to "Beloved of Aphrodite" to communicate and establish an official business with the Greeks. Another was Pompey who was a military leader and politician who contended for the leadership of the Roman state leading to civil war. He also indicated how his personal public image and military career developed through his interaction with Venus as his patron deity. Setting the goddess as his deity, Pompey's successes in battles have been tremendous including Sulla's death. Although his connection to Venus does not reflect a pure desire of his ambitious political power, Pompey remarked how he was able to regain his military attributes and legacy as well as the Roman people's trust as a result of the goddess patronage. The construction of Pompey's theater in Campus Martius exemplified a platform for Pompey to advertise his great military victories and commanding position overlooking the city in accordance with Venus supervision (Smallcombe, 2017). The competition over Venus's favor became intense as Julius Caesar attempt to prove his recipient of military favor in comparison to Pompey. Thus, this exhibited how Venus served as such an influential goddess in control over the political advantages of the Roman society during the Late Republic. Julius Caesar was a descendant of patricians which was also a member of Rome's original aristocracy. Even though Caesar must be proud and vocal of his belonging to surviving patrician gentes which were few during their time...
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