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The Second World War Discussion

Essay Instructions:

I ordered 2 pages. One page is for the initial essay of at least 250 words on the WWII Discussion. And the other page will be for 2 students response of at least 150 words each. i will send to you the 2 students discussions later after i post mine. Thank you

1) Read the provided YAWP readings.

2) Watch the videos provided.

3) Review the Racism and Fear presentation provided.

4) Read the eyewitness account, Evacuation to Manzanar.

5) Read the Internment Camp Loyalty Questionnaire.

6) Read pages 804 – 811 of the US History online textbook.

Answer the following questions within your initial posting:

What are the Tuskegee Airmen most known for doing?

How did the US justify sending troops to Europe to fight for the freedom of others but violating the rights and liberties of our own citizens?

Look at Figure 27.8 in your text within chapter 27. What is your reaction to the photo and the information about it?

What were the issues that sparked the Zoot Suit Riots?

Who were the No-No Boys? Research that phrase and tell us what you learned.

Would you have willing filled out the Internment Camp Loyalty Application? Why or why not?

Research the 442nd Regimental Combat Team and tell us what you learned.


Slavery was legal.

The Indian Wars were legal.

Segregation was legal.

Denying women and people of color the right to vote was legal.

Internment camps were and ARE legal.

The Holocaust was legal.


Hiding and helping runaway slaves was criminalized.

Protecting the Jews was criminalized.

Fighting against racism was criminalized.

Fighting for Civil Rights and Equal Rights was criminalized.





Essay Sample Content Preview:
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Student 1
In research, it was found that the Second World War started in Germany and involved several stages. This result is related to the Second World War as it expounds on the different responses provided to different questions on the Second World War. Having gone through this post, it is safe to agree with the discussion on various responses regarding the Second World War. In line with the statement on the No-no boys who are Japanese Americans failed to swear loyalty in the United States; It is safe to agree with the Tuskegee airmen who were combats. Throughout the discussion, nothing was found contradicting research, hence concluding the existence of many rights and liberties of individuals regarding the Japanese of the United States. However, it would have been good to discuss more on the are...
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