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America History Events: Roosevelt Measures To Relieve Human Misery In America

Essay Instructions:

Chapter 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32

1. Describe the various relief measures that President Roosevelt undertook in his first term to help relieve the human misery in America.

2. Why did America drop the atomic bomb on Japan? Was the action justified?

3. Trace the major developments in the cold war from 1945 to 1948.

4. How did America become involved in Indochina? How did that involvement escalate during Eisenhower's administration?

5. Compare the philosophies and styles of Martin Luther King Jr. and the leaders of the black power movement.

6. Trace how the Watergate crisis brought an end to the Nixon presidency.

7. What were the main foreign policy achievements of the Carter administration? Where did Carter fail? 8. Trace the issues and events that led to the Gulf War of 1991. What strategies did President George H. W. Bush use to ensure victory, and what was the ultimate outcome of his efforts?

9. Discuss the issue of increasing polarization in American politics. How has President Obama tried to lessen the tension, and has he been successful?

10. Discuss the issue of global terrorism. How has this affected all aspects of American society?

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America History Events
Roosevelt measures to relieve human misery in America
Franklin Delano Roosevelt was the 32nd president of the United States of America from 1933 until his death in 1945. Roosevelt took office during the time of the Great Depression in the world which started in the early 1930s. Roosevelt made it his priority to resolve the economic crisis that the United States was facing promising the New Deal. The following were some of Roosevelt measures to counter the crisis.
* He restored the confidence of the citizens in his government by abolishing prohibition, responding to every letter and telephones from the people.
* He ordered the closing and reopening every bank in the country to check their financial stability and also introduced new rule and regulations to control the stock exchange market to prevent another crash.
* He ran budgets that were below the tax revenues to stabilize the economy.
* He introduced the farm loan Act which protected the business owners from the banks.
* He introduced agencies that to help curb the different crisis like employment and provided subsidized services to the citizens.
America Bombing Japan
On August 6th, 1945 the United States dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima city in Japan. Three days later after the devastating and destructive bomb in Hiroshima, another one was dropped in Nagasaki by still the United States. This was during the Second World War and both the United States and Japan were involved in the battle. President Harry Truman had just preceded Franklin Roosevelt who had died four months ago as the 33rd president of the United States. There is a mixed reaction on why the United States bombed Japan. Some hold the theory that it was an act of racism against the Asians since Germany was the most probable target for such a bomb. However, the most people hold the theory that President Truman and his advisors wanted to end the world war. When Germany signed the unconditional surrender for the Japanese forces during the Potsdam Declaration in July 26th, 1945 war ended in Europe. However, Japan ignored the agreement and continued with the war. This made Japan the only target bomb from the Manhattan Project by the United States.
Major Development in the Cold War
When the three key figures during the Second World War met at Yalta, they discussed and agreed on several issues. Among them was the formation of United Nations which would enhance the world peace and unity. They also agreed that those nations that were not under the Nazis be allowed to form their separate governments. Soviet troops would be used to counter the Japanese in the Far East. During the cold war, USSR gained one of their own atomic bomb and threatened to use it against their enemies. Both the USSR and the United States invested heavily in the development of the next superweapon like the hydro...
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