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Was the revolutionary war inevitable. The Revolutionary War

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I would like to argue that the revolutionary war was in evitable do to taxation without representation in the parliament and the poor treatment by the king and Britain of the colonists, including neglect and control . Basically the way the colonist responded to the actions of Britain. How the level of resistance rises . And how the British respond to rebellion with The intolerable acts . I believe this was the point of no return brought the colonies together for the first continental Congress . It’s possible I would like the book called the American pageant to be used as a source

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The Revolutionary War
The revolutionary war took place from the year 1775 up to the year 1883. The colonies were experiencing unfair treatment and this lead to their rebellion from the British colonist. It is this rebellion that led to the revolutionary war and, in turn, the independence of America. However, when the when the revolutionary commenced, the Americans were not for the idea of a war. They were only making attempts to ensure that their rights were respected. The rights were being violated through the military oppression and the unfair taxation. The complexity of the issue led to the colonies declaring war to fight for their freedom. Therefore, it is clear that the revolutionary war was inevitable due to the unfair taxes without representation and the mistreatment from the Britain colonists through the creation of intolerable acts which marked the point of no return.
King George three had imposed unfair taxes without representation to the colonies which resulted in the rebellion of the people hence leading to war. The justification of the taxes was the fact that the nation needed to repay the debts that resulted from the Indian and French war which was extremely expensive for Britain. The British government had issued troops to help its colonies in fighting the war. The troops also remained in the colonies after the war for protection, an act which cost the British government a lot. This called for the need to impose taxes that would bring in revenue to repay the debts. However, what triggered the rebellion is that George decided to impose an extra tax on the basic items used by the colonies such as paper, glass, and sugar instead of taxing Britain. The Townshend Act and the Stamp act were levied.
The soldiers that were placed on the colonies received goods from England that were already taxed. Therefore, they got angry about the fact that they were being taxed by a government that was far away from them. They, therefore, began protests which included the boycotting of the goods that were sent from England. Their motto was that they were not going to pay taxes to a government that they did not have representatives in. The soldiers, despite their British origin, had been made a part of the American colonies and had to suffer the consequence of paying the taxes. The protests escalated hence resulting in the Boston Massacre in the year 1770. The colonies protested by the attempt to prevent the Indian ships from docking in the Boston Port in order to deliver tea (Kennedy 2015. For instance, a group of Indian boarded some ships in the middle of the night and threw a substantial amount of tea into the ocean. This was a great loss to the British government. Therefore, in response, the intolerable acts were passed by the British government so that they could control the rebellions. This marked the beginning of the revolutionary war. Therefore, this is an indication that the war was inevitable because the colonies did not want such taxes imposed on them. Given a situation whereby Britain di...
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