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Research the Code of Hammurabi: What is its Main Point?

Essay Instructions:

“The Code of Hammurabi,” The Avalon Project: Documents in Law, History and Diplomacy, Yale Law School, http://avalon(dot)law(dot)yale(dot)edu/ancient/hamframe.asp (Links to an external site.)
Sun Tzu, “The Art of War,” The Internet Classics Archive, http://classics(dot)mit(dot)edu/Tzu/artwar.html (Links to an external site.)
Pose at least three questions about each document.
Answer in at least 4-6 sentences for each document: where does this source come from? What is its main point? What is its purpose (what is it trying to accomplish?)? Was it successful? Why or why not?
Also, answer in at least 4-6 sentences for each document: what does it reveal about the political, economic, and/or cultural contexts in which it was created?
The end product should be at least six paragraphs, around two to three pages in length.
(Mark: Primary ‘s questions are posted directly here not in the book. There are two links!! Two!! So each link you need to ask at least 5 questions And, you need to pose three questions, but don't need to answer them. 11 ft, 4 pages!! 3 days due)

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“The Code of Hammurabi”
1 How was Babylon after Hammurabi? Does the Hammurabi steel exist till today?
2 Is religion a manipulation tool to make people believe and obey?
3 How has Hammurabi’s code impacted the 21st century laws and regulations?
Where does this source come from?
King Hammurabi claimed that he received the laws from the sun god. The source came from the lord of Heaven and earth who declared the fate of the land given to Marduk - dominion over earthly man- and Marduk was great and made it great on earth. Marduk was the most important Babylonian god. Hammurabi also alluded that Marduk required him to rule in his name. This power was then handed over to Hammurabi who would bring rules of righteousness to the land, through destroying the wicked and evil doers and enlightening the land. Hammurabi then declared 282 laws called Hammurabi’s code that were wrote in Akkadian language in columns from left to right (King).
What is its main point?
The laws dealt with all aspects of everyday living. These rules would be used in most facets of the Babylonian lives. It described major and minor offenses and what their punishments would be. It focused on the class structure, gender relationships, moral values and religion. The code was the basis for the legal system laws and religious laws at the time. For instance, one of the laws on moral values stated that anyone that would be caught during a robbery will be put to death and if anyone breaks another person`s bones, then their bones would be broken too (King).
What is its purpose?
The laws meant to equalize the society, to make sure justice and fairness was established, to bring forth the rule of righteousness, to protect the weak from the strong, and to destroy the wicked and evil doers. It was meant to further the wellbeing of the people on earth and enlighten them. It made sure that there was a consistent system in place that would enable people to solve problems and understand what their position and role was within the society (King).
Was it successful? Why or why not?
The gap between the rich and poor, the men and the women, and the elites and commoners was seen in how the groups of people were treated which was very different under the law. The purpose of the laws was then not successful in creating equality, fairness and justice for all people. What the law did was deepen the social hierarchy and distinctions between genders and classes of people. This new regime became accepted and a normalcy in the society. The laws influenced the need for one powerful leader. The leader used the laws and the belief in the powerful Babylonian god to lure the people to adhering to the laws since it was their god that had guided their leader in creation of these laws and given him the authority to rule.
What does it reveal about the political, economic or cultural context in which it was created?
The political powers were used to generate bonds between the people of different races and backgrounds. This revealed how the people were manipulated and how the poor would still remain without any rights that would protect them. The laws formulated the idea that the king was to be the only one with earthly powers, and that everyone must obey him together with his “god-sent” laws. The Hammurabi`s code was used by the king to gain authority to rule, since Marduk, the Babylonian god gave the king the authority to rule and to enforce the code of the laws. The context in which the laws were created shows a s...
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