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Reasons Behind the American Revolution

Essay Instructions:

Answer the question in a 3-4 page, typed, double-spaced essay: Why was there an American Revolution? Why did the colonists decide to sever ties with Great Britain in 1776? The question is designed to be answered using information gleaned from the textbook, the primary documents book, and the lectures/class discussions. You are welcome, though, to use outside resources to complement these sources.

Your essay must contain a bibliography (Works Cited) page, and should have in-text, parenthetical references.

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The American Revolution
American Revolution, also known as the United States of America (USA) War of Independence, lasted from 1775 to 1783. Before the war started, British colonies were controlling almost everything in the USA. The revolution was the outcome of the rebellion initiated by thirteen colonies. They include Maryland, Delaware, South Carolina, Virginia, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, New York, New Jersey, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Connecticut, and Massachusetts. These colonies were tired of being regulated by British colonizers on their own soil. The paper focuses on why the American Revolution occurred and why colonists decided to sever ties with Great Britain in 1776.
One of the primary reasons that the USA rebelled against Great Britain was the lack of proper representation in the British government. In other words, Britons were ruling Americans how they wanted without consulting them when the need arises. Many Americans did not like how these colonizers were controlling things in the USA since they oppressed them. For example, the British government implemented new laws without consulting the colonists. These regulations were enacted without considering whether they were hurting Americans or not. New tax laws were implemented, which were unfair to numerous Americans (Israel). As such, colonists would not have observed without doing anything when colonizers took over their land and regulated their freedom. That is why they felt that the time to act has arrived without taking into account whether the process would be peaceful or not. Colonists wanted their problems to be addressed. They wanted to be allowed to participate in the law-making process by the British government, which the latter did not consider as an option. If colonists were to abide by the British laws and pay high taxes, they wanted a surety that Britons listened to them. However, the British government was not ready to involve colonists in their decision-making processes, which led to the American Revolution. American colonies decided to force their way into the British government, and the outcome was the move to remove colonizers from their land once and for all to regain their freedom and avoid hefty taxes.
Due to the size and population of the American colonies, they were very influential when it came to removing Britons from their land. In particular, North American colonies pressurized the British government after suffering for many years from the colonial affairs that they asserted were unfair to them. Before the American Revolution took effect, it started with protests and arguments between the colonizers and colonists. American colonies started rebelling against the regulations enacted by the British army. Things continued to worsen since the British government failed to show Americans that it was ready to listen to them and address their issues. Conflicts that started between American colonies and the Britons resulted in a civil war. However, American colonies were supported by Spain in 1779 and France in 1778 (Israel). The British government found it more challenging to resist the moves made by the American colonies since it used force to control them. American leaders began influencing people to reject the British rules, saying that they were harsh and that they oppressed them. Things became worse when American colonies realized that other countr...
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