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A New Rush for Rich Stones Against the Suffering of Poor Nations

Essay Instructions:

ill upload a document for the essay prompt and everything

Choose one prompt from the bottom, and watch youtube video, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bd9423DxEKU and choose three or more from required readings to write this essay please 

Students are required to write 1.5-page (350 word) response essay. 

The essay responds to the respective prompts based on your understanding of the main points of the readings and speaker’s presentation. 

You may choose to respond to any prompts provided for each section. 

Papers must be double-spaced, with one-inch margins and numbered pages

This one you can watch this youtube video to fulfill the “speaker’s presentation”point. It doesn’t have to be too specific about the video, but remember to mention and write about Sopia Kalantzakos’ points and perspectives.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bd9423DxEKU

“Between Rocks and Hard Places: Geopolitics of Net Zero Futures and the Tech Imperium” (Sophia Kalantzakos)

Required Readings: 

  1. Kalantzakos, Sophia, “Critical Minerals and the New Geopolitics,” in: Project Syndicate | The World’s Opinion Page, October 2, 2020. https://www.project-syndicate.org/commentary/china-critical-minerals-new-geopolitics-by-sophia-kalantzakos-2020-10
  2. Kalantzakos, Sophia, “Energy ‘Realism’ Is Climate Fatalism,” in: Public Books, May 13, 2021. https://www.publicbooks.org/energy-realism-is-climate-fatalism/
  3. Kalantzakos, Sophia, “The Race for Critical Minerals in an Era of Geopolitical Realignments,” in: The International Spectator | Volume 55: Issue 3, pp 1-16, July 22, 2020. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/03932729.2020.1786926
  4. Sovacool, Benjamin K, Ali, Saleem H, Bazilian, Morgan, Radley, Ben, Nemery, Benoit, Okatz, Julia and Mulvaney, Dustin, “Sustainable Minerals and Metals for a Low Carbon Future,” in: Science Magazine | Volume 367, Issue 6473 pp.30–33, January 3, 2020. https://doi.org/10.1126/science.aaz6003.
  5. Podcast: “The Climate Crisis and the Post-Covid World: Decarbonization, Rare Earths, and Tech,” in: The Greek Current, Ep 267, EKathimerini.com, April 26, 2021. https://www.ekathimerini.com/multimedia/podcasts/1160018/the-climate-crisis-and-the-post-covid-world-decarbonization-rare-earths-and-tech/
  6. Youtube Video: “Between Rocks and Hard Places: Critical Minerals, Climate Change and the Future of Globalization,” in: Geopolitics & Ecology of Himalayan Water, February 5, 2021. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WNmHdNiCLS4
  7. Zhu, Liu, “US Advised to Be Humble and Listen on Climate,” in: China Daily World, May 6, 2021.” https://www.chinadailyhk.com/article/166187#US-advised-to-be-humble-and-listen-on-climate
  8. “A European Green Deal,” in: European Commission.” https://ec.europa.eu/info/strategy/priorities-2019-2024/european-green-deal_en

Prompts (Choice of one of these): 

  1. Decarbonization is a declared global priority. Do we have enough materials to fulfill the targets of the many green deals announced by national governments around the world? 
  2. What might history teach us about resource competition in a time of fraught global relations?
  3. Will fraught geopolitics once again divert attention from the needs and aspirations of the developing world in the midst of the greatest challenge to the global commons?
Essay Sample Content Preview:
A New Rush for Rich Stones Against the Suffering of Poor Nations
Global industrial revolutions have always resulted in unprecedented development in terms of innovation and growth of the global economy. However, such developments have often resulted in some sections of the world remaining underdeveloped. For instance, while the first industrial revolution was fueled by educational development and mechanization, most, if not all, of the raw material used came on the back of colonialism and slavery (Kalantzakos). In other words, while one section of the world developed, another was deprived of its wealth. A similar scenario seems to be taking shape as the world nears the climax of the fourth industrial revolution. However, this time, the traditional colonial powers faced stiff competition from China for the rich minerals to drive the fourth industrial revolution while limiting carbon emissions. In essence, the fraught geopolitics will again divert attention from the needs and aspirations of the developing world amid the greatest challenge to the global commons.
Today, two seismic economic and technological shifts occur in a climate of highly fraught geopolitics (Kalantzakos). Firstly, the decarbonatization of the global economy is increasingly a necessity. Global powers like the EU, USA, and China have pledged to cut carbon emissions by half before the end of the first half of the 21st century. Since the first industrial revolution, these powers have remained the biggest emitters of carbon into the atmosphere while developing nations, in Africa, for instance, have contributed little to the emissions. However, in the fourth industrial revolution, China made inroads in territories where the existing colonial powers had previously held control. Besides its Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), China's export ambitions have challenged or transformed access to geographically dispersed vital minerals that should drive the fourth industrial revolution (Kalantzakos). Therefore, in this first instance, the global race within the fourth industrial revolution will not center on the well-being of developed nations. Instead, it will be shaped by the struggle for resources between China and the existing former colonial powers, a situation akin to the 1884's outcomes of the Berlin Conf...
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