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Monograph Analysis on Empire of the Summer Moon

Essay Instructions:

Empire of the Summer Moon Final Essay

In a well-written and thoughtful essay, answer the following five questions concerning the monograph, Empire of the Summer Moon, by S.C. Gwynne.

To do well on this essay you must fully answer all of the questions in an essay form. Please do not simply write the questions number and the answer. Make it an essay.

Important: you must cite specific information in the book that corresponds to your points. A simple parenthesis with a page number is fine for citation, e.g. (175).

Finally, the only material you can reference is the book itself. Please do not use outside sources or summaries. That would do more harm than good since it would be plagiarism. Plagiarism is bad. I have not had too much problem with it so far this semester. Let us not start now.

There is no min or max page limit to this essay, but I think a good essay would probably fall in the range of 3-5 pages. These are large questions, after all.

Please use the standard essay format: double-spaced, 11 or 12pt font, Times New Roman or Arial script (or any other professional script), .doc, .docx. or.pdf.

Finally, this is a 200 point assignment. However, this essay is only worth 150 points. The remaining points come from your average on the monograph quizzes divided by two. That will make the remaining 50 points.

Questions to answer:

Why do you think Gwynne wrote this book? What was the main point he was trying to get across? Was he effective in convincing you about his point?

How did race and ethnicity factor into the realities of the Texas frontier? Can the story of the “West” be told in terms of race? Why or why not? Be sure to give specific examples from the book.

Compare and contrast white-Texan culture to the culture of the Comanche during the 19th Century. What major differences and/or similarities do you see? Be sure to use specific examples from the book.

In your opinion, was Quanah Parker a “preserver of the Comanche culture” or a “sell-out?” Is he a heroic figure of the Comanche or just a person that adopted the “American ways?” Be specific and give examples from the book that fit your argument.

Finally, in a concluding paragraph, briefly write what you thought of the book. Did you like or dislike it? What worked and what did not? Be honest here. I like to get feedback to decide if I will continue to use the book in the future.

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Monograph Analysis on Empire of the Summer Moon
Empire of the moon spans two startling stories. The first story is about the Comanches, how they rose and failed in power during the history of America. The second story involves the epic tale of a white woman Cynthia Ann Parker and her son Quanah Parker. Quanah Parker was of mixed race and ended up becoming the greatest and last chief of the Comanches. Gwynne wrote this book as he wanted the readers, including the American people and Indians, to familiarize themselves with the mighty Indian tribe that ever existed in American history. In the title of the book, it is apparent what the author has explained, "The Rise and Fall of the Comanches, The Most Powerful Indian Tribe in American History." The author discusses in this book the reasons why Comanches were the most feared Indian tribe. The Comanches suffered through various tribulations and trials to be who they were at the time. Gwynne researched the tribe and wrote this book so that many people can become aware of the exhaustive details about this time during the Indian tribe wars and particularly how they won more than five the United States between the 1950s to 1850s. It also gives a view of how Indians were victimized, although in minor details.
The main point that the author was trying to put across was to explain thoroughly how the Comanches suffered during every war against Texans, Spanish, Mexican, and Apaches. Gwynne wanted to detail the suffering, pain, victory, and losses that occurred to win every territory the Comanches acquired. War was the only thing Comanches recognized, and it had become their norm, and it was the foundation of all their social status (Gwynne pg144). They were perfect in riding horses, learned and mastered the use of every type of weapon, and how they could win battles. It was the legendary fighting of the Comanches that was decisive on when the west of America would open up. The Comanches boys became conversant with bareback riding at the early age of six. Their skillful use of lances and arrows stopped the northern drive of colonial Spain from Mexico and prevented French extension westward from Louisiana. The author has also discussed the result of the friendship between Mackenzie and Quanah parker, which made the latter surrender and embraces civilization.
The author was influential in assuring me about his points. As I studied the book, I was more persuaded by the author that the Comanches were a tribe that valued their independence and did not want to be assimilated by the white Texan culture. They fought every battle to preserve their lands and culture. His electrifying accounts deliver a broad narrative surrounding civil war, Spanish colonialism, the railroad's arrival, the demolition of the buffalo herds, and the fantastic story of Ann Parker and Quanah Parker. It is a historical memory for any individual captivated to know how the United States has evolved from civilization and civil wars.
Race and ethnicity factored into the realities of the Texas frontier because Comanches were guarded to a specific standard. No one could become be real Comanches if they did not master horse riding and the art of war. Small children started to practice with their horses at the age of five, where they were demanded to learn tricks such as picking up objects on the ground at a gallop (Gwynne (Gwynne 45). Rescuing a fallen comrade was one of the fundamental obligations of a Comanches warrior. Comanches were regarded as primitive as they captured horses in the wild when they were not stealing or breeding them. The frontier's white individual horses were fragile to be ridden over long miles of challenging terrain. More so, a white man horse couldn't outrun a Comanches mustang. In the long-distance Indian horses had the advantage of eating forage and grass while the white settlers' horses ate grass (Gwynne 143). The Comanches were more riders than whites, and the latter did not know fighting...
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