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Memories And Themes Of The Great Depression History Essay

Essay Instructions:

- analyze what people keep remembering the Great Depression, how do people remember the past, and what keeps coming up in people's minds

- include important names & interviews, and detailed in-depth insights regarding crucial past events

- include themes that author mentioned that stood out

- need good / critical introduction (VERY VERY IMPORTANT)

- do not use passive voice

- pay attention to capitalization (e.g. Civil War)

A student will not be able to earn an “A” on any assignment if that assignment:

1. has an inadequate introduction that fails to state the writer’s purpose and the paper’s thesis

2. fails to have page numbers placed in the upper right hand corner of each page after the cover page

3. fails to have a cover page

4. uses passive voice

5. incorporates “This paper will explore,” “I will show” or similar phrases that do not advance the argument of the paper

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Almost a decade before the Great Depression began the economy of America was doing exceptionally well. The countries wealth doubled between the period of 1920 and 1929. Things took a different turn however on September 4th, 1929 when the stock prices collapsed. The Depression affected the American economy adversely with the high levels of unemployment topping the list of effects. The events that took place at the time of Great Depression are lessons and people learn from them till today. Americans remember it as the longest downturn in the economy. People who could provide for themselves turned to beggars who could not afford even the basics such as food.
Many Americans couldn’t accept the changes that were taking place at the time. The American government failed to restore the situation on time and that’s why the suffering continued. Several factors contributed to the situation and understanding each is important to avoid repeating the same mistakes. The misery that the American people went through should never happen again in American history. It is important to analyze the events that led to the Great Depression because that is the only way of making sure that the same is not repeated.
The Quotations
“What I remember most of those times is that poverty creates desperation, and desperation creates violence.” Stud Terkel
“The poor are so busy trying to survive from one day to the next, they haven’t the time or energy to keep score.” Stud Terkel
“You should have seen the things they were giving babies instead of milk. I remember seeing them put salt-pork gravy in milk bottles and putting a nipple on, and the baby sucking this salt-pork gravy. A real blue baby, dying of starvation. In house after house, I saw that sort of thing.”
Memories that People have of the Great Depression
People vividly remember the hunger experienced at the time of the great depression. Americans only ate when they were fortunate enough to secure a meal. In most cases, it was one meal for the whole day. As quoted in the book Hard Times the situation was not easier for the babies as also died of starvation. Due to the experience parents gained a lot of creativity in the kitchen. They made sure that every meal served them for several days as the hope for a better future increased. Till today Americans use some cooking and preservation method that was adopted at the time. Additionally, from the experience, the American people came up with several methods of preserving foods and they remain good human consumption of many years. In the cases of drought, the food caters for the needs of the people and no one would die of hunger. The theme of change was clearly seen at the time.
Americans still remember the high unemployment levels experienced at the time of the Great Depression. Previously the Americans had the opportunity to work in different fields where they gained money to cater for their...
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