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Tragic Prelude I: John Brown by John Steuart Curry

Essay Instructions:

We will view a selection of artwork about Kansas during our visit to the Museum. Below are questions to ask yourself as you view each work:

a. What is going on in the picture? What is most important: the place, the people or the activity?

b. What is the texture of the work? Is the landscape flat, hilly, rough, or smooth?

c. Do lines and shapes seem natural and organic or artificial and imposed in this picture?

d. What does the sky or background look like: is it dark, bright or stormy? What colors dominate?

e. What man-made things do you see in the picture? How do they fit in with nature?

f. What is the tone of the picture? Is it a place you would like to be, or place to avoid, why?

1. Identify the title, the artist, the subject. Tell me what medium is used (example: oil on canvas).

2. Describe what kind of place is pictured: a town, a farm, a field, etc. 

3. Tell me about the natural environment pictured in your work including the landscape, the sky, any lakes or rivers, the weather.

4. What man-made structures do you see? Are there buildings, bridges, or machinery? If so, how do they fit into the environment?

5. Finally, imagine yourself in this picture and tell me what you think it would be like to be in this place. Include sounds, smells or other sensations you would expect to have. 

Essay Sample Content Preview:
The canvas, "Tragic Prelude" mural done by John Steuart in collaboration with abolitionist John Brown is found on the South wall of the Kansas Statehouse in the Southern wing. The painting is on the second floor and is stated to be 11' 6" tall by 31 feet long. The painting was done in oil and egg tempera and is purportedly said to have been commissioned and painted in between 1937-1942.
Tragic Prelude I: John Brown by John Steuart Curry
The Title of this canvas is the "Tragic Prelude" and the artwork is acknowledged to John Steuart Curry’s creation that features Steuart and John Brown. The significant medium used in painting the canvas is believed to be oil and egg tempura. This technique was mainly employed by old masters with the main advantage of this method being its quick drying nature. The egg tempera is known for its ability to cover paintings well, make very sharp strokes while remain dull. When oil paint is applied on top of it, brightness and shine is intensified.
In the artwork, Cu...
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