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The Island of Angaman and the Backward and Evil Practices of the People

Essay Instructions:


For this first paper, you will pick one of the documents from the “1st paper document” module on Canvas and write a document analysis. This paper does not and should not require any outside research. Like we did in class, you will analyze the basic information in the document, identify what you don’t know or understand about the document, and then think about where you could go to answer those questions.

For this assignment, you will practice good document analysis techniques. Read the document at least twice (preferably three times.) Now, jot down in your research notebook or in a Google or Word document (you will need to reference this later) a list of answers to the following questions:

What does the document tell you?

About the time period

About the author

About the subject

What doesn’t it tell you?

About the time period

About the author

About the subject

Are there terms or ideas that you don’t understand?

What other information do you need and where would you find it?

Think of types of information you need

Think of types of documents and resources you would need

Your paper should use the answers to the above questions. Please do NOT use first person in this paper. This paper should be 3-4 pages, double-spaced with 1” margins on all sides. Any quotation or paraphrase of the document requires basic parenthetical citations. (Document 2) You may organize it however you want but please do not simply answer the questions like a worksheet. It should be organized to demonstrate to the reader how you came your conclusions. The strongest papers will base their answers on specific examples, phrases and terms from the document. You should consider this paper an analytical research report which explains the most important parts of the document to the reader. You must rely only on your document, no outside research. And, finally, NO FIRST PERSON, please.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student Name
An analysis of Document 5 gives a snippet of the time period it describes. The author describes the Dragoian kingdom, one of the four kingdoms, as one with a “peculiar language” and whose inhabitants are “uncivilized.” Such a description denotes a time period probably before colonization of the particular community as the author tried to make contact. Considering that the author is trying to contact the people in the kingdoms, this denotes that colonization in the particular area has not occurred. The author demonstrates that this is an initial stage in discovering the new people's customs and practices. However, the exact time period cannot be established from the document
The document demonstrates that the author is an outsider exploring a new land. The author acknowledges that the people inhabiting the island of Angaman have fruits different from those grown in their home country (Document 5). Further, the author describes the people as “uncivilized and idol worshippers.” Such a description implies that the author comes from a country that considers itself civilized, probably a European country. The idea that the people in the Dragoian kingdom and the island of Angaman are idol worshippers shows that the author subscribes to the Christian faith. The author considers the community’s worship to be idolatry meaning that they judge them from the Christianity view.
The subject of the document is to demonstrate the backward and evil practices of the people. The issue of cannibalism is explored extensively. When magicians declare that someone cannot be healed, special individuals suffocate the sick person. After, the members eat the deceased’s body and take the bones to a safe place in the mountains. The document wants to demonstrate that the people are evil and have backward practices. Cannibalism, prohibited in the author's country, is widely practised in the Dragoian kingdom and the island of Angaman. The document demonstrates that the people are hostile to outsiders. When they capture any individual who does not belong to their district and cannot pay for their ransom, they kill the person and devour them (Document 5).
However, the document is not specific on the time period. A reader is left to guess the period by relating the activities to the his...
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