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Interactions and Collaboration

Essay Instructions:
Answer the following topics by referencing and using examples from the two text "People of Color in the American West" by Chan, 1994 and "A different Mirror" by Takaki Ronald, 2009. Identify 3 key terms as you write your essay and put it in a quotation. Do not just describe an event, analyze it critically, and then write about it. Give specific details and examples for each question. Provide the names of the individuals and their contributions to any specific event. TOPIC: Why did Japanese immigrants establish Japanese language schools? Why did the schools "disappear" after the 1940s? How was the concept of Manifest Destiny shaped by beliefs about race? What is the "treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo?" What is so significant about Article 8 and 9? How does the process of Displacement, Gentrification, Redevelopment, and Exclusionary Zoning Practices occur in communities of color? How are the aforementioned issues addressed by residents? Discuss the ways housing discrimination in Houston affected Blacks and other minorities. KEY TERMS THAT CAN BE USED: Manifest Destiny, Cultural identity, Conspicuous Consumption, 1929 Immigration Law, Great Migration, San Patricios etc..
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Interactions and Collaboration
The first Japanese immigrants into the United States of America were laborers in the agricultural sectors. The presence of these immigrants gradually increased and by the year 1923 majority of the Hawaiian population was largely Japanese. They brought their rich culture and traditions with them especially Buddhism. The increasing population of the Japanese caught the attention of the US legislators, and in the year 1908, the gentleman’s agreement between the USA and Japan was arrived at. This agreement was a control measure to curb Japanese immigration to the USA.
In 1896, the Japanese immigrants established the first Japanese language school in Hawaii. The major reasons for establishments of these schools were to make sure that the Japanese children get to know the Japanese language, spread Japanese culture among the children, making the children aware of the Japan national anthem and pledging allegiance to the Japanese emperor. The language schools also taught the children on basic writing skills, how to read in Japan, and how to speak in Japan as well.
However, after the 1940’s these schools disappeared. The daily singing of the Japanese national anthem was considered as anti-American, and an impediment to nationalism by the Hawaiian residents and this, contributed to the down fall of this Japanese language schools. During the Second World War, these schools were profoundly affected, and the majority of them were shut down. In 1943, a law, which was against the language schools, was passed and this also led to the decline of the Japanese language schools. American-Japanese in Hawaii were assimilated into the armed forces during the world war, and this contributed to a shift of the Japanese culture and subsequent decline in the Japanese language schools (Chan 234).
The concept of Manifest Destiny was heavily used in making policies in the United States of America during the 1800s. John O'Sullivan was the first person to use these words and claimed that the United States of America could become a super power by spreading civilization to the world. Manifest destiny made it clear that there is no way that minorities and people of inferior races (non- whites) would be considered as the nation’s citizens. These inferior people were also not allowed to carry out any activities in the democratic process of the United States of America. Manifest destiny provided the go ahead of annexation of sparsely populated regions inhabited by inferior peoples and economic domination of these areas. The united states of America have never been content with stagnation.
Race is an illusion that was created by people in the early centuries in order to discriminate people who had different skin colors. It alters the peoples’ beliefs, privileges and governs how justice is delivered to wrong doers. Since a lot of people believed in racial differences, they also decided that people who came from races other than the white race were not to have the same opportunities to flourish as the whites. This was especially true for the minorities. For instance, the whites looked down upon the blacks. They were sold and used as slaves for the whites. No slave was allowed to own any piece of land or merchandise that portrayed wealth (Chan 240).
The Japanese immigrants were slowly being removed from America by closing down their language schools and by stopping the spread of the Japanese culture. This shaped the manifestation of America’s destiny since the majority of the Americans were white. White people dominated the economy and all aspects of growth of the country. The need for the Americans to defend the business of slaves led to the idea of white supremacy.
The white people saw themselves more superior than any other race of the world. The treaty of Guadalupe hidalgo was signed to bring an end to the Mexican and American war. Signing of the treaty took place at the city of Guadalupe hidalgo in Mexico. This treaty was signed on the second of February 1848 after Mexico had lost its war against the world super power. Nicholas Trist and General Winfield Scott were the negotiators of this treaty a year after Mexico had conceded defeat to the Americans after the capture of its capital, Mexico (Takaki 304). Within the terms of the treaty negotiated by Nicholas Trist, Mexico ha...
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