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The Historical Context of Asian American Biases in Healthcare Today

Essay Instructions:

-Your essay should answer the following questions based on: A) your participant-observation at a local in-person OR virtual Asian American community event, and B) what you have learned from the class so far about Asian American history.

1: Did the organizers (or other presenters) of the event use explicit reference to Asian American history to give meaning and significance to the event?

2A: IF YES: In what specific ways did you observe Asian American history being referenced explicitly as an important part of the event? Describe how the significance of Asian American history was conveyed and why it mattered to the intended meaningfulness of the event.

2B: IF NO: In what specific ways do you think the event could have made explicit reference to Asian American history? Describe how the significance of Asian American history could have been conveyed and how it could have mattered to the intended meaningfulness of the event.

*Note: You can reference our text by Shelley Lee no more than two times.

Cite the author and page number (where relevant) for your references or quotes. Ex: (Lee, p. 4) or ("Rabbit in the Moon"). Bold highlight the citations.

Goal: To assess how Asian American history is relevant and important to Asian American experiences today.

***This should be an ethnographic paper. However, there is no actual event, so I'll just provide you with a hypothetical one.

Event: Bias and Healthcare: The Impact of Asian Americans

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student’s Name
Professor’s Name
The Impact of World War II on Chinese Immigration in USA and Healthcare Bias
Asian American is one of the rapidly growing demographic in the United States of America (USA), comprising about 6% of the total population (Ho and Lawrence 1112). However, they face numerous health disparities that make them vulnerable to various diseases compared to their white counterparts. The paper focuses on how a participant observation at a local in-person event relates to the lessons obtained from this class about Asian American history.
My participant-observation event involves a third-generation person sharing a story about how her Chinese family navigated life in the USA after the Second World War. Based on the description given by this individual, it appears that her family migrated to the USA using her grandfather who was one of the soldiers during the Second World War. In that light, it appears that her family migrated to the USA due to the path that her grandfather paved for them. The person said that it was never easy to settle in a new country due to increased challenges affecting Asian Americans, the primary one being poor medical services.
The narrator made it clear that many Asian Americans suffered from diseases and some lost their lives since they did not bother to go to hospitals. They feared discrimination against their demographics, which was common for minorities or immigrants. Based on the history of Asian immigrant families during the 1900s and 1800s, deviance contributed to health disparities since they did not accept the set standards by the whites. A health officer from San Francisco during the 20th century described Chinatown as the laboratory of infections (Lee 74). This aligns with the story of a Chinese immigrant who made it clear that communicable diseases were rampant since there were no prevention measures.
In particular, the participant-observation story explicitly aligns with the Asian American history learned in this class. Chinese immigrants have encountered numerous challenges as they work toward inclusivity in the American way of living. During the 1900s, many A...
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