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How was Imperialism Rationalized, World War I and II, and Socialism, Communism, and Capitalism

Essay Instructions:

How was Imperialism rationalized, and were those rationales justified? Cite evidence to show how late-nineteenth and early-twentieth-century imperialism is still impacting world events today.

What was the relationship between World War I and World War II? Why was the isolationism of the United States after World War I such an important factor in the advent of World War II?

Explain the ideological differences between Capitalism, Socialism, and Communism. Why do these ism’s have such an impact on today’s society?

Think of another inter-ethnic or international conflict that has lasted for a long period of history. This may be a conflict or a prolonged conflict that was eventually resolved. Compare and Contrast the Israeli/Palestinian conflict with the other conflict from the 19th or 20th

One paragraph for each.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Modern World History Assignment
Modern World History Assignment
Besides Cold War and World War I and II, imperialism was also an ancient event with far-reaching consequences (Lumen Learning, n.d). Several rationales (political, civilization, and economic motives) rationalized imperialism. Specifically, economic aims like exploring emergent resources and markets were utilized to validate colonial development. Political considerations also legitimized geopolitical supremacy and boundary control. Individuals or entities that supported the phenomenon clarified that embracing it was an effective approach to enriching and civilizing the still-developing regions. However, the rationalizations lacked an ethical or moral foundation, and the negative sides of the concept, like economic exploitation and cultural elimination, weakened the justification arguments. Imperialism’s rationales became highly challenged, such that most critics concluded that it was meant to exploit vulnerable regions. Despite efforts to fight imperialism, the late 19th and early 20th-century idea still influences the planet in numerous ways. For instance, the random boundaries formed during colonialism have created constant political uncertainties and conflicts in most parts of Africa and the Middle East. Imperial powers’ economic exploitation has led to lasting worldwide economic disparities. Past colonies still struggle with the exploitation legacy and always experience marginalization in the global space. Also, geopolitical contentions created during imperialism still define global relationships and inspire alliances and conflicts (Kohli, 2019). Therefore, this era’s impacts persevere, reminding people of imperialism’s continuing repercussions in the modern world.
The connection between the First and Second World Wars can be regarded as a continuum of disagreements with interrelated triggers and outcomes. World War I (WWI), happening between 1914 and 1918, was an overwhelming conflict that led to considerable social and geopolitical modifications. The Treaty of Versailles’ punitive terms and conditions forced on Germany at the juncture of WWI planted the seeds of economic setbacks and resentment, forming a significant environment for the beginning of Nazi Germany and the following World War II (WWII) eruption in 1939 (Bell, 2014). The unsettled matters and grievances from WWI encouraged WWII, with most countries included in the conflicts. Isolating the United States (U.S.) from WWI largely inspired the onset of WWII. Due to WWI’s effects, Americans refrained from global conflicts. The response was evident in the U.S. administration’s choice to develop the isolationism policy, featured by the unwillingness to participate in global affairs and concentrate on domestic issues. The isolationist decision, illustrated by refusing the Treaty of Versailles and the urge to connect in the League of Nations, left a huge vacuum and undermined struggles to sustain global stability and peace. It permitted hostile powers such as Nazi Germany to extend unrestricted, finally resulting in WWII’s beginning. The lack of robust American leadership and participation in the worldwide scope significantly...
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