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History: Holocaust

Essay Instructions:
Explain how and why the holocaust happened. Why did some Germans participate while others resisted? What was the appeal of nazism for ordinary Germans? Why did nazis do what they did? The essay must be in the format of intro with a thesis, body and conclusion.it is an argumentative essay. Please do not use outside sources, these are the required sources I am given to use: The nazi program (1920) from "In aspect of world civilization:problems and sources of history" volume II Christopher Browning "Ordinary men " chapters 1 7 8 18 Hans and Sophia Scholl "Leaflets of thenWhite Rose"(1942) The white rose student group "leaflets of the WhiteRose" Joseph Gobbels "nationalists, socialists, Jews" from "In aspect of world civilization:problems and sources of history" volume II "Nazi political announcement (February 1921) from "In aspect of world civilization:problems and sources of history" volume II
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Thesis Statement: Holocaust was about mass murder of the minority groups and the Jews done secretly
Holocaust also identifies with Shoah, Holocaust is a combination of the words ‘whole’ and ‘burnt’ in Greek, while Shoah identifies with ‘Catastrophe’ or ‘destruction’ in Hebrew. Holocaust signaled the genocide or mass murder in the World War II that killed Jews numbering to more than six million people. It is believed that Nazi Germany was a state sponsored systematic program to carry out the murder. The program was led and organized by Nazi Party and Adolf Hitler in territories occupied by the Germans. Surveys showed that of the Jews numbering to nine million Jews in Europe, two thirds of the nine million Jews were killed by the Holocaust. Jewish children numbering to one million were executed in the Holocaust; it is believed that Jewish men killed numbered to three million people and Jewish women numbered two million people (Goebbels 99).
Main Body
German had put in place forty thousand facilities that facilitated holding and killing the Jewish people. Disabled people and Romani people were not included in the countdown of the dead people. Holocaust is believed to constitute the people killed as prisoners of wars in Soviet, people of polish origin, homosexuals and soviet civilians. The current statistics argues that the Nazi Regime murdered more than eleven million people (Scholl The White Rose 104).
The genocide and the persecution happened in stages, the first stage involved setting up of laws that ejected the Jews who were part of the civil society, and Nuremberg Laws were put in place before the World War II. The second stage was developing concentration camps that subjected the Jews to slavery to a point that a significant number of the Jews passed away from diseases and exhaustion. Einsatzgruppen unit in the Eastern part of the Europe murdered political opponents and Jews which happened in mass shootings (Rogers Aspects of World Civilization 251).
Extermination camps received Romani and Jews through freight trains, who originated in overcrowded ghettos, some of the people died in the course of the transportation as some of the people died of gas chambers. The bureaucracy of the Germany was designed to execute genocide.
Some of the Germans supported the Holocaust while some of the Germans were against the practice. It is believed that a number of Germans never knew that Holocaust was taking place; taking a critical look at the Dachau camp in Germany, the camps resembled prisons, meaning that the common man on the streets could not have noted with ease the occurrences of the Holocaust. It was noted that Nazis often claimed that the Jews were being relocated to the East, an allegation that made most of the Germans believe. <...
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