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The Holocaust: One Of The Most Tragic Events In History

Essay Instructions:

Topic: The Holocaust

Your paper should address a topic we have discussed in the 20th Century. Your essay needs to have a central thesis, it needs to argue a point (ie: Columbus should not have a national holiday or Africans were enslaved by British Colonials because of XYZ...these are examples) Your essay should be 4-5 pages Use 2-4 outside sources You will be graded on your knowledge of the subject, clarity of argument and style of writing. You may use a simple citation style in parenthesis with authors last name, title and page #

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Name Instructor Course Date The Holocaust The holocaust is marked to be one of the tragic and cruelest events that have ever taken place in history. During this period Nazi party ruled Germany and had a belief that there were certain people who were dangerous and had to be killed in order for Germany to survive and flourish. The Jewish were condemned to death and thus there was no any escape for them since no change in their beliefs of behaviors made a difference regarding the death warrant. Holocaust was an act of racism against the Jewish community which was led by Hitler from 1933 to 1945 (Kirk 144). At this time Hitler was appointed as the Chancellor for Germany and thought that the Jews were the ones who were responsible for humiliating Germany after they defeated them during the First World War. Hitler wanted to have Germany reigning over all the other races mostly the Jews and thought the best way of doing it was to orchestrate a genocide towards the Jews. The Holocaust led to the killing of around six million people who were Jewish or were associated with the Jewish community. The discussion below covers the reason behind the Holocaust which made many people lose their lives and the aftermath the Holocaust. Among the events that took place and lead to the Holocaust was the rise and coming up of the notorious political figure known as Adolf Hitler. This man Adolf Hitler was the reason behind the attack of the Jewish community because he was not pleased by the ending result of the First World War. He felt that the Versailles Treaty had embarrassed the Germans and thus he wanted to annihilate the Jewish due to this reason. At this time Hitler was given support by other members of the Germany government who supported him in his crusade. To have their revenge the Nazi Organization and Hitler stormed into schools, houses, churches and all the places thought to have Jewish residents and held all of them in the concentration camp. The Germans used their superiority in the military in crushing and terrorizing the Jews. Around six million Jewish women, men, and children were captured, held captives, tortured and also murdered based on the racial ethnicity. At this time the Jewish had been left by their neighbors and did not receive any assistance from the free world (Levin 257). They did not have a country where they could run and also had no any means or ways of defending themselves. Many of their neighbors were indifferent to their fates and thus many of them helped towards their imprisonment and deportation of the Jewish to the death camps. Among other people that were murdered included those who were homosexual, the beggars, leftists, Jehovah Witnesses and any other religious or political people who opposed the teachings and beliefs of Adolf Hitler. At this point it did not matter if a person was a German or non-German but as long as they opposed Hitler they could have fallen victims. During their captivity, the Jewish and other community were sent to the concentration camps where they would perform slavery labor and some could be tortured till they died of starvation or exaction. The people who were strong enough to survive they were murdered in gas chambers or in the mass shooting which...
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