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History: common enemy - Adolf Hitler

Essay Instructions:
Second In-Class Exam Study Sheet One of the following essay questions will be in the second in-class examination to be given in class. This will be a closed-book test. No notes, books, or other research aids can be used in the classroom while taking the exam. You must bring your own blue book(s) and all the answers must be written with pen. Only those essay and short answers written in blue book(s) with pen will be graded. You must demonstrate your mastery of all of the relevant materials used in the course (required readings, documents posted in ANGEL, lectures). You will have 50 minutes to complete both the essay and short answer portions of the exam. I. 1) “The United States and Great Britain both collaborated and contested with each other between 1939-1960.” Expound upon this general statement by providing specific examples of areas (both geographical and categories of questions, such as “diplomatic,” “economic,” etc.) in which they worked together or pursued divergent interests. 2) Explain how and why the relationship between the United States and the Soviet Union became progressively adversarial between 1945 and the eve of the Korea War and how this growing estrangement shaped American Cold War policy. Be sure to discuss how the U. S.-USSR relationship sourced over questions affecting more than one geographical regions (such as Europe, the Near and Middle East, Asia, Latin America, etc).
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student’s Name: Instructor’s Name: Course Details: Date: Introduction In 1945, both the United States of America and the Soviet Union shared a common enemy-Adolf Hitler, the German leader, and the self declared ruler of the world. The USSR and the US were among other nations such as the Great Britain and France, which constituted the allied powers, bent on ending Hitler’s Nazism reign in Europe. Upon completion of this mission, there emerged serious differences between two of the most powerful of the allied forces, especially on ideological matters. To put it bluntly, the United States was capitalist democracy whilst the USSR was a communist dictatorship. Stalin could not forgive Britain and America for their role in the civil war of 1918 to 1921, and on the other hand, the Americans blamed the Soviet Union for the outbreak of the Second World War. Did this define cold war…? On May 8, 1945, Germany officially surrendered to the allied powers and was in effect, after the Potsdam conference of July, divided into four parts, pending occupation by the allied forces. Germany was to prove a battlefield for ideological exchanges between the west led by America, and the Soviet Union. Stalin wanted a buffer zone created around Germany, which would in future prevent invasions. President Harry Truman on the other hand, wanted a capitalistic democracy for Germany, which would prevent the spread of communism further westwards. This type of disagreement on how states that had previously been controlled by Hitler’s Germany should be governed was to be replicated in Poland, Hungary, Austria, Czech Slovakia and several other states that had been freed from the Nazi regime. Perhaps it was the death of Franklin Delano Roosevelt that contributed to the growing tension. His replacement, President Harry Truman, was an acclaimed anti-communist and this was to impact heavily on the decisions that were taken in Yalta and Potsdam regarding reparations. It is important to note that Americans had the atomic bomb knowledge and this in effect, gave them a certain edge over the Soviet Union, something Stali...
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