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History of African American Art 3: The Harlem Renaissance and the Rise of Black Nationalism

Essay Instructions:

The essay itself must consist of an introduction, multiple- fully developed body paragraphs and a conclusion along with a separate works cited page. The assignment must be written in either APA, MLA or Chicago style format. Students need to include at least 10 sources for this assignment: seven academic journal articles, two books, and one dissertation or one Master thesis.

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December 1, 2017
The Harlem Renaissance and the Rise of Black Nationalism
It is a well-known fact that the beginnings of the United States have been one that is characterized by oppression and tyranny. Despite establishing the nation’s ideologies in terms of equality and liberty, both the ancestors of African-Americans (and Native Indians) first-handedly experienced the iron-rule of the first Europeans that brought them to the New World (Daneman). These days, it could easily be said that that period of oppression and discrimination are long gone, whereas, in fact, our current era has already fostered a sense of equality in its ideal sense for every person coming from any race. This does not negate the fact that racism still exists and that today, one of the biggest issues are violence directed towards another person of color. Nevertheless, it could still be seen that we have already achieved significant milestones as a nation since peace has pervaded as the most dominant theme these days. In line with these achievements, I believe that we as a nation should always look back to the period that made it all possible, which the time of the Harlem Renaissance. From its name, the Harlem Renaissance was conceived in the town of Harlem, New York and was considered to span the whole decade of the 1920s (Hutchinson). Specifically, this movement was characterized by an increase in the cultural expression of the Blacks through all sorts of mediums such as poetry, music, dance, and literature among others. In line with this, I strongly believed that the Harlem Renaissance has been one of the main catalysts that ushered us into this modern period, through the empowerment of the “African-American Culture” and the ensuing phenomenon known as “Black Nationalism” (History.com). In line with this, this article would focus on some of the most seminal works of the Harlem Renaissance and their importance during and even after their conception. In the succeeding sections, these contributions would then be synthesized to capture its importance in terms of the creation of the sense of Nationalism amongst the African-Americans, which continues to reverberate until today.
An expression of Culture and Recollection of Identity
Visual Arts
As stated earlier one of the main importance for the said period is that acted as the channel through which the Blacks express their own cultural identity, which is distinct (both similar and different) from that of the Whites as well as those of their African Ancestors (Wintz). For example, in terms of Visual Arts, the period is said to have shifted the focus of most sculptors and painters from matters concerning the Whites, to that which concerns “African American Subject Matter” (Sullivan). Mainly, it was said that these styles embraced by Harlem Renaissance artists are characterized by folk art and/or those aesthetic traditions which originated from Africa (and sometimes Egypt). One of the prominent examples of Visual Artists that dominated the era was Aaron Douglas (Hutchinson). In his paintings, Douglas has embraced as kind of “geometrical figural representation that deals with Negro subject matters”, which is closely patterned towards the qualities of “spiritual yearning and racial pride”, that reflects the overall mindset of the Negro population (Hutchinson).
Aside from Visual arts, Music has also been one of the greatest legacies of the period, particularly by popularizing the Jazz and the Blues which we heavily know of and co...
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