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Global History, Culture and Ideology. History Essay

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Gender Inequality
Gender inequality remains top of the most sensitive matters that most of the countries around the world are grappling with (Colleen). Women have for the longest time been relegated to house chores (Verniers, and Vala). What is interesting is that, this is not an issue that only at the global level, it goes back to the family unit (UN News). Where the women and men roles are constantly challenged in the dynamic environment of advances in every other area (Maryann). From the family level to the national and global levels, the gender inequality challenge that is tied to the masculine tendencies of the cultural background that most of the societies across the globe are based on (Esther, Segal, and Tan). This not only makes the issue quite complex but also quite interesting in the sense that, a change in the gender equality could mean a change in the very fabric of social dynamics at the family level (Joseph, Davies and Majhanovich). To put this issue in focus, women have struggled with equality for the longest time in history and have endured the blunt of the ugly tussle (Mary). They have been subjected to domestic violence, denied rights to property and even political participation (Shane and McNeese). Some of these rights can be traced back to the last several decades where women have gotten the chance to vote, take part in political activities, own property and even take part in some of the activities that would be considered rather mundane, like driving a car or going to the mall on their own (Lynn). They are also part of the sustainable development goals (UNDP). The latter is largely associated with the Islam world where women have been intimidated to this day (Jennifer and Osanloo). Women to this day are still struggling with equality to this day (Paul). The future lies in the ability to continue championing for women rights (Dorius, and Firebaugh).
According to Rebecca Cordell, no country has to this date been able to achieve a balanced gender equality quotient regardless of the much progress that has been made in the past (Cordell). Most of the countries are still struggling with equality (Harriet). Majority of the countries however, have made significant strides towards making sure that their women are treated better and they close the gender inequality gap (Sally). There are gaps in the labor and economic field relative to the gender inequality (World Economic Forum). This is the case although it could take an estimated 118 years to close the gap according to the Global Gender Gap Report of 2015 (Paranthaman). What is interesting though is the fact that, it is not just the developed nations that have made significant strides on that front, rather the developing nations too are leading the way (Schneider, and Atteberry). Rwanda for example, a country in the eastern Africa region is credited for being the first country to achieve majority women parliamentarians in their government. That is a significant stride and one that simple shows that the efforts are not lost (Shastri). Even Japan is credited for having made efforts to close more than 6.2% of its gender dap. In the trail of changes taking places across globe, Turkey also pledged to make sure to implement changes that would see more flexible hours for women and establish a family friendly company culture. Still, this is progress at a crawl speeds and there need for more changes with intent (Janet). There have been severe challenges at the place work, where women are treated as lesser equals to the men (Stamarski, and Son Hing).
Gender inequality remains one of the main obstacles against the economic progress that is desired (Jody). For most of the countries, the labor market is struggling with little to very few women in some of the fields (Eleanor and Fitzpatrick). This is despite the fact that, there are women that are more than thriving in industries that would be considered to be for the male counterparts (Susan). While the empowerment programs and even the policy shifts have had significant changes to the realm, the one sustainable solution to this, is a shift in attitude (Marjorie). This is more effective in the long-run (Arizona State University).
Woks Cited
Adams, Colleen. Women's Suffrage: A Primary Source History of the Women's Rights Movement in America. New York: Rosen Central Primary Source, 2003. Internet resource
Anderson, J...
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