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Gender Equality - Modern-Day Global Issue

Essay Instructions:

Please based on what was written, finish up the essay of five paragraphs in total, the rest three paragraphs should be 1.evidences, 2.analysis, 3.conclusion

The evidence and analysis should be detailed and well binded with the previous information, total essay should be three and a half pages.

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Name: Professor’s Name: Course: Date: Gender Equality Over a long period of time, gender equality has been subjected to various obstacles which seek to hinder equal rights and opportunities for both men and women. Gender equality is an enormous modern-day global issue because men and women do not enjoy the same rights across various sectors including economic development agendas, critical decision making, and other opportunities in the society (Coverdell, P. 2018. Para. 4). This is an indication that the aspirations of both men and women are violated and they are not equally favored. In many countries around the world, there are few opportunities for women to take part in various activities and access higher political representation. East African countries, for example, are among the countries in the world that are faced with large gender gaps. Countries such as Norway, Sweden, and Finland have shown progress in reducing the gap between men and women. However, in spite of these efforts, gender inequality is still a major issue in the world today. Today, the world has seen a lot of movements and unrests that seek to right the wrongs such as gender inequality. Feminist movements, for example, are dedicated to solving the gender inequality issue. Feminists have worked hard to promote women empowerment in many countries around the world through awareness campaigns, demanding opportunities for women, and boosting self-power and control over their lives. Education is chief among the sectors where feminism has indicated or had a positive influence. In Asia and Africa, a majority of the low-income families opt to educate boys instead of girls with an assumption that girls should be committed to household chores. Feminism discourages prioritizing in matters of education through funding and policies from various global organizations. However, the world today still fails to involve women’s ideas in the political field as well as in economic development (Coverdell, P. 2018. Para. 7). Basing on the fact that women occupy more than 50% of the world’s population, feminists strongly condemn inequality in political and economic participation. Women’s participation in world affairs can help the world achieve genuine democracy, stable economic growth, and wise decision making. Evidences The question many would like answered is, what happens when women are more involved? What do researchers say regarding the involvement of women? It is no secret that women have been on the receiving end of gender inequality. In the U.S., for example, in 2015, it is reported that there were more CEOs with the name John than women (Trehan, K. 2018. Para. 1). In the same article, it appears that entertaining diversity in leadership greatly benefits companies. The reasons behind this are the fact that women offer different perspectives to men and also increase or widen the networking and communication channe...
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