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Unit 3 Assigment: Expansionism versus Spread of Ideology

Essay Instructions:

History 162—Spring 2016—Unit 3 essay assignment

 Due Friday, May 6th in recitation or as per TA instructions

 Answer the following question in a well-written, carefully argued, 5-page, double-spaced, 1” margin, Times New Roman font essay.  Be sure to upload your essay to SafeAssign on UB Learns in addition to however your TA asks you to hand it in.


 Two groups of historical documents have been made available on UB Learns under “Course Documents” (look for “Unit 3 essay documents”).  Group A has newspaper accounts from before World War I, and Group B has newspaper accounts from after World War 2.  Pick one document from Group A and one document from Group B.  Compare and contrast the two documents to explain the development of American foreign policy over time:  did the most important motivations, justifications, and actions remain the same over time, or did they change?  Explain, based on reasoning and examples presented in class lectures, readings, and recitation.


  • Focus on the most important consistencies/changes, and explain them rather than simply identifying them
  • Your goal is not to summarize the newspaper articles, but to use information about the motivations, justifications, and patterns of action from lecture, readings, and recitation to explain what you find in them.
  • Provide context for the documents by explaining the most relevant historical information required to understand them (i.e., if you choose an article about Cuba in 1898, your analysis should include an explanation of what was happening between the U.S. and Cuba in 1898; if you choose an article about Vietnam, your analysis should include an explanation of what was happening between the U.S. and Vietnam)
  • Use quotes and examples from the documents to support your points
  • Citations can be any consistent format.  If you do not have a preferred style, the easiest may be to use Word’s “insert footnote” under the “references” tab, in the following format depending on the type of source:
    • Author’s last name, date, page number
    • Herzberg, lecture [date]
    • Recitation [date]
Essay Sample Content Preview:
The goal of any foreign policy of any given nation in the world is to advance its national interest while safeguarding its sovereign rights in international circles. The United States Foreign Policy in the past century has been to safeguard its economic interests while establishing itself as the de facto global leaderCITATION Ser15 \p 118 \l 1033 (Sergent 118). Foreign policy is, therefore, a malleable tool often used by policy makers to advance their interests at any given time. Foreign policy must therefore consistently change to reflect the dynamic global order. Prior to the World War, the United States pursued a policy of Isolation with regard to global diplomatic activities choosing to remain aloof from interfering with the local political activities of a nation. As such, the United States only got in the world Wars when its citizens and economic activities were directly threatened. After the World Wars, the United States abandoned this policy and begun the policy of InterventionismCITATION Hix09 \p 231 \l 1033 (Hixson 231).
US Foreign Policy is critical as it guides how the US State Department and its agencies relate to other countries. Foreign Policy also affects US companies that may be prohibited with trading with a given country based on the foreign policy agenda of the United States. A key example of this is the Iran Sanctions placed on Iran by the US and the United NationsCITATION Dia16 \p 2 \l 1033 (Rennack 2). As a result of the sanctions, based on US policy on not allowing nuclear proliferation to Middle East countries, United States allies and companies were forbidden from trading with IranCITATION Dia16 \p 3 \l 1033 (Rennack 3). Iranian securities held in allied banks were not released to IranCITATION Dia16 \p 3 \l 1033 (Rennack 3).
US Foreign policy has evolved over the decades. Its main goal while remaining the same, safeguarding US interests, the objectives of foreign policy have evolved, and the tools to achieve these goals have changed with time. The paper will look at two different newspaper article in two different times. The Paper will attempt to study the change in US foreign policy in that particular time. The paper will juxtapose these two instances and attempt to understand the most important motivations, justifications, and the underlying rationale for action taken in pursuit of US foreign policy.
Expansionism versus Spread of Ideology
The Spanish-American war was sparked by the US insistence that Spain liberates Cuba from its colonial bounds. Its insistence led to the war that culminated in the battle of Manila. The battle ended with the US taking control of the Philippines from the Spaniards. The Herald newspaper article addresses the aftermath of the war.
The Cold War was the antagonism experienced between the US and the USSR in their attempt to spread their ideologies across the globeCITATION Her08 \p 72 \l 1033 (Herring 72). As such, the Saturday Evening Post article looks at the US reaction to the spread of communism in Laos.
In 1898, the United States favored expansionism supported by strong public sentiment. As such, the US saw the war with Spain as an opportunity to annex Puerto Rico and gain territoryCITATION Bre09 \p 3 \l 1033 (O'Connor 3). The end game was the annexation of Puerto Rico which became a territory of the United States. Spain lost both of its principal possessions in the Caribbean. The US Foreign policy at the time favored the establishment of US territories which were not incorporated into the US as states. The US, however, retained significant control over the affairs of the stateCITATION Bre09 \p 3 \l 1033 (O'Connor 3).
The US during the cold war favored the spread of its capitalist ideology over expansion. The change in foreign policy caused in part due to the upheavals faced by colonial powers as colonies rebelled against their authority. The US policy maker thus noted that the establishment of colonies and territories required significant outlays of capital that often did not provide a return on investment. Public sentiment at the time also was against expansionism. Communism at the time being viewed as the ideology that favored the colonization and expansion of USSR. The US, however, wanted to be perceived as the nation that supported freedom globallyCITATION Bre09 \p 3 \l 1033 (O'Connor 3).
The Nature of US Military Aid- Covert Action versus Direct Intervention
The US in 1898 favored a full war in its intervention in military issues. The US in 1898 declared war on Madrid following its fai...
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