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Empire of the Summer Moon Final Essay

Essay Instructions:

Empire of the Summer Moon Final Essay
In a well-written and thoughtful essay, answer the following five questions concerning the monograph, Empire of the Summer Moon, by S.C. Gwynne.
To do well on this essay you must fully answer all of the questions in an essay form. Please do not simply write the questions number and the answer. Make it an essay.
Important: you must cite specific information in the book that corresponds to your points. A simple parenthesis with a page number is fine for citation, e.g. (175).
Finally, the only material you can reference is the book itself. Please do not use outside sources or summaries. That would do more harm than good since it would be plagiarism. Plagiarism is bad. I have not had too much problem with it so far this semester. Let us not start now.
There is no min or max page limit to this essay, but I think a good essay would probably fall in the range of 3-5 pages. These are large questions, after all.
Please use the standard essay format: double-spaced, 11 or 12pt font, Times New Roman or Arial script (or any other professional script), .doc, .docx. or.pdf.
Finally, this is a 200 point assignment. However, this essay is only worth 150 points. The remaining points come from your average on the monograph quizzes divided by two. That will make the remaining 50 points.
Questions to answer:
Why do you think Gwynne wrote this book? What was the main point he was trying to get across? Was he effective in convincing you about his point?
How did race and ethnicity factor into the realities of the Texas frontier? Can the story of the “West” be told in terms of race? Why or why not? Be sure to give specific examples from the book.
Compare and contrast white-Texan culture to the culture of the Comanche during the 19th Century. What major differences and/or similarities do you see? Be sure to use specific examples from the book.
In your opinion, was Quanah Parker a “preserver of the Comanche culture” or a “sell-out?” Is he a heroic figure of the Comanche or just a person that adopted the “American ways?” Be specific and give examples from the book that fit your argument.
Finally, in a concluding paragraph, briefly write what you thought of the book. Did you like or dislike it? What worked and what did not? Be honest here. I like to get feedback to decide if I will continue to use the book in the future.

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Empire Of the Summer Moon Final Essay
Gwynne’s book, “The Emperor of The Summer Moon,” outlines the account of a forty-year battle between the white settlers and the Comanche Indians. The battle was aimed at controlling the American West, and the fight was a success. The Comanches were considered the most powerful Indian tribe to rise in American history. Therefore, this paper will focus on how the Comanches could control the Texas frontier.
The main reason why Gwynne chose to write the story is to show that the minority races across the world can also be a substantial part of world history. Many people consider the Werst to have the strongest nations in the world. These nations cannot be easily defeated in a war when fighting with a minority group. However, the author proves the world wrong by outlining the story of the Comanches and how they easily defeated the white settlers in the American West. Using his novelistic skills, the author uses the character of Quanah Parker to write the nonfiction book about war. The book outlines two nations attempting to control their destinies using any possible means.
The main point that the author was trying to pass across is the impeccable power of a minority race in the American West. The community is considered a minority group because white settlers characterize the West. During the fights, the reader would expect the whites to win. However, that is not the author's main point because he aims to show how powerful the Comanches were. The author effectively convinced me about the main point he attempted to pass across in the story. He outlines the fighting skills of the Comanches boys and how they could learn how to ride at six years. Such is an impeachable skill that would require a lot of training. Therefore, this would be considered a unique gift that would make it easy for the Comanches boys to defeat the white settlers during the war. The men from these tribes were considered masters at war due to their throwing of arrows and lances (Gwynne 88). Such skill in war halted the French’s westward expansion from Louisiana. They were also able to stop colonial Spain from Mexico. The French and Spain were considered some of the powerful nations in the West. Therefore, Comanches’ success in fighting these nations represents their power and fighting skills.
Race and ethnicity factored into the Texas frontier realities due to the mastery skills of the Comanches. Through the four years, the Comanches had control of the Texas frontier and prevented the Spain colonies of Mexico from expanding into the south. The Texas frontier presented a harsh environment for the white settlers who attempted to fight the minority group of the uncivilized Comanches. These individuals had vowed to fight their level best to prevent the Texas frontier from encroaching on by the white settlers. They were also able to fight the Texas rangers despite their sophisticated weapon, such as the six-gun.
The story of the West can be told in terms of race and ethnicity. The Comanches played a major role in determining when the American West would open up. Given that the Comanches were a minority Indian tribe, their race is key in analyzing the story. The fact that these individuals were from a minority tribe, their defeat would have been expected to be easy. However, this was not the case, and the tribe proved to have some of the best fighters that stopped the settlers from expanding into the American West for four years. If the fight was between the white nations and the whites of the American West, it would have been considered normal and would probably not have be...
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