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How do European Efforts to Establish Empire Dramatically Affect the Lives of Native Americans and Africans?

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European colonization
European contact with the Native Americans in their effort to establish an empire changed the lives and culture of Native Americans. The European invasion in America resulted to catastrophic epidemics that destroyed the indigenous population of America. European settlement and land ownership pushed the Native Americans to the west. This led to war between the Europeans and Native Americans which resulted many deaths. However, European introduced metal tools, firearms, domesticated animals and horses to Americans. The European introduced farming that demanded a labor force, which led to the importation of slaves from Africa. The European scramble to establish empire in America is argued to have benefited and affected the Native Americans (Bucciferro 298).
Prior to the European invasion Native Americans enjoyed a healthy and long lives. The diseases present were pinworms, tapeworm, tuberculosis, and arthritis that were easily cured with native medicinal plants. However, the Europeans settlement to Native America brought disastrous epidemics that wiped the Native Americans population. The Native America population was argued to lack natural resistance, hence succumbed rapidly to the new diseases brought by Europeans (Parham, 469)
The diseases brought by Europeans include diphtheria, mumps, measles, smallpox, and pneumonia. The long trade that existed between tribes aided the spread of the deadly diseases among the Native Americans. Moreover, due to the decline in labor supply the Europeans started the transatlantic slave trade. The slaves from Africa brought the disease that worsened the situation in Native America (Bucciferro 287).
The Spanish depended on Indian for labor to work on their complex plantations. The Europeans conducted raids and captured Native Americans as slaves. The Europeans lured Native Americans to supply slaves in exchange for trade goods and to get treaties with the Europeans. This led to Native Americans enslaving their enemies and any indigenous Americans they met (Parham, 459)
However, the low immunity of Native Americans resulted to increased deaths of enslaved indigenous Americans. The enslaved Native Americans were vulnerable to succumb from hard labor and diseases, such as smallpox and malaria. Consequently, the European nations started to import a slave from Africa who possessed strong immunities. The European ships departed from England ports carrying trade goods, such as cloth, guns to West Africa, where they exchanged their goods for enslaved Africans. The enslaved Africans were imported to European colonies to work on their plantations. Finally, the ship returned to England port with produce from the plantation, such as tobacco, and cotton (Bucciferro 314).
The contact of Native Americans with Europeans resulted to a massive demographic collapse of the Native American population. Imported diseases are argued to have caused the population decrease of indigenous Americans. The warfare of Native Americans against the Europeans also promoted the demographic collapse. Moreover, the labor demand by Spanish, led to enslavement of the Native Americans who lacked genetic immunities to diseases brought by the Europeans. It is argued a large number of indigenous Americans died due to hard labor and European diseases (Parham, 464).
The Native Americans had their beliefs and ways of praying for rain and good healthy for their children. The Europeans wanted to introduce Christianity to the Native Americans (Bucciferro 305).
However, the indigenous Americans resisted abandoning their religion and converting to Christianity. Moreover, the Native Americans had many native languages before contacting with the Europeans. Nevertheless, after the invasion of the Europeans, the Native languages ceased to be u...
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