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Emancipation of Slaves by Abraham Lincoln in 1863

Essay Instructions:

The Emancipation of Slaves by President Abraham Lincoln in 1863 has been the subject of various scholarly interpretations. While some view Lincoln's action as driven by compassion for enslaved blacks, others consider emancipation as nothing more than a strategy to save the Union from disintegration. Yet, for some, Lincoln's action did not really free all the slaves. In an analytical/argumentative essay and using relevant sources to support your argument, assess the validity of the respective sides in this debate. Where do you stand in all this and why?
It May Be Helpful to Order Your Essay Along These Lines:
1. Address the origins, objectives and timing of the Emancipation Proclamation.
2. Analyze in detail the claims of all competing sides, and be sure to identify and analyze at least three reasons cited by proponents in support of each position. (Use sources)
3. Identify and clarify points of agreement and disagreement with the other sides. (Use sources to strengthen your argument).
4. You should take side but provide solid evidence (culled from sources) to support your position. No sitting on the fence!
5. Assess the success and failure of emancipation and its impact on African-Americans. (Cite sources).
6. In your opinion, was there a better way that emancipation could have been handled for optimal result for both blacks and the country, and how?
• Paper should be 5 pages long, excluding bibliography/reference pages. There must be a title/cover page containing title of paper, name of instructor, student, course title and date of submission.
• Paper must be typewritten, double-spaced, with page numbers. Use standard 1-inch margins on all sides of the paper and 12-point font size. No shrinking no enlargement of fonts.
• You must use at least five (5) sources, which must include at least one book and one journal article (online or hardcopy). Scholarly internet articles may be acceptable as sources provided they bear names of authors, titles of articles, and website addresses). Class text must be used and cited.
• Paper must have at least seven (7) properly cited footnotes, three (3) of which must be direct quotes opened and closed with quotation marks. One of the direct quotes must be from class text.
• Please use either the MLA style for your footnoting. See and use attached samples.
• To earn a high score, essay must be clearly written with coherent themes, logic and analysis.
• Grading will be based on well-written introduction, content, and organization, and sentence structure, clarity of analysis, footnote /bibliographical citations, spelling/punctuation, and conclusion.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Emancipation of Slaves by Abraham Lincoln In 1836
On January, 1 1863, the United States president Abraham Lincoln made a presidential proclamation that declared that all slaves that resided in the territory that was in rebellion against the federal government to be declared free. It is this declaration that was referred to as the emancipation of slaves. As a matter of facts the proclamation of emancipation of slaves freed few people who were slaves. The declaration of emancipation of slaves was not applicable to those slaves that were in border sates fighting on the side of union; neither did it affect slaves that were in southern areas that were already under union control. As expected, those states that were in rebellion did not obey Lincoln’s order. Lincoln being a believer in white supremacy, he was reluctant in declaring slaves being free, he initially viewed the war as away in terms of preserving the Union. However, as the pressure mounted on Lincoln to abolish slavery, and both in the country and the Congress, President Abraham Lincoln became more sympathetic to the idea. He first issued emancipation of slavery proclamation on September 22, 1862, announcing that by January 1863, slaves in those states that were under rebellion. According to Klingaman, despite the fact that the proclamation did not take effect immediately, it was actualized by the 13th amendment of the constitution on December 18, 1865.[Klingaman, William K. Abraham Lincoln and the Road to Emancipation, 1861-1865. Penguin, 2001.]
This essay examines the analysis of different perspectives by the different scholars concerning the declaration by Abraham Lincoln on January, 1, 1863.
Detail Analysis of Claims by Different Scholars Concerning the Emancipation of Slaves
The emancipation of slaves in 1863 by Abraham Lincoln has attracted both praises and criticism from different quotas. There are others with the view that President Lincoln’s action for declaring emancipation of slaves in those states that were under rebellion was driven by compassion for the enslaved blacks. On the other hand, there are those scholars that harbor the opinion that emancipation was a strategy for saving the union from collapsing. There are others that are of the opinion that Lincoln’s action did not free all slaves.
Was Lincoln’s Action of Emancipation of 1863 Driven by Passion for Africans or was it a Strategy for Saving the Union?
Although there are some people who are of the opinion that the proclamation of emancipation of by Lincoln on 1863 was considered as an act of being passion to the Africans that were under slavery. According to Foner, the declaration of emancipation of slaves was not an act of passion for the Africans that were enslaved during the war. As a matter of facts Lincoln had his reservation concerning this issue. It was the pressure that he got from the people that made him to declared that the slaves that were on the side that was fighting the government to be declared free. The declaration was not applicable to other slaves that were in the south which was already under the control of the union. Oakes further posits that had it been the act of passion towards the hardship that the slaves were undergoing through, he would have not excluded those slaves that were already under the control of the union. Those people are of the opinion that the act of proclaiming emancipation of slaves by the President Abraham Lincoln in September 22, 1862, was a strategy for saving the union from collapsing. It could be true because those slaves that found in those states that were already under the control of the union were not bounded by the declaration. Therefore, Owens points out that the act by Lincoln was a mere strategy for saving the union from collapse; this is because before the civil war broke out Lincoln was against freedom of slaves and he only accepted the act of emancipation of slaves out of desperation and he did this with an intension of protecting the union from collapsing. This can be explained by the fact that those slaves that were within those territories that were directly under the control of the union were exempted from the proclamation. However, Guelzo was of the contrary opinion, he points out from his book Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation: The End of Slavery in America; “that Lincoln had set his eyes on ending slavery from the first day he took the oath of presidency. However, he planned to do it through a policy of legislation, and gradual compensation of ...
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