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Development in the United States of America Since 1970

Essay Instructions:

Using the videos and screencasts, answer the following questions in a post at least 300 words that starts a thread:
DESCRIPTION: Of Second video:
The Cold War turns hot in Viet Nam… a burglary at the Watergate Hotel becomes a national crisis… a space shuttle ascent erupts in tragedy… these are a few of the momentous events examined in this program. The 9/11 attacks and the election of President Barack Obama are discussed, along with the technological forces that drove America toward the 21st century: television, the credit card, personal computers, and more. Distributed by A&E Television Networks. Part of the series America: The Story of Us.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Development in the United States of America Since 1970
The videos and screencasts show many advancements that have really shaped the development of the US. The review is going to mainly reflect on the main advancements and their effects on the development of US up to the present time.
In the year 1970, a legislation known as the Clean Air Act was passed and approved by the Congress (Richard 34).The legislation was aimed at controlling air pollution from the factories, vehicles and other emissions. It maintained the environment clean.
In the year 1991, the World Wide Web which was used in provision of internet services was made available to the members of the public. This greatly changed the various ways in which the US citizens used to express themselves. It also had an effect on the way the people got education, entertainment or how they carried out their daily tasks like shopping (Kenneth 98).
A terrorist attack also occurred in the US on September 2001. The attack increased patriotism. People stood together as Americans without considering whether you are a republican or a democrat (Richard 76). Later, America developed good economic policies to revive its economy after the attack.
In the year 2003, the human genome project was developed. The understanding of the concept created a hereditary understanding of the various diseases that affected human beings, plants and animals. Scientists developed new methods of curing the diseases (Kenneth 97).
In the year 2008, the election of Barrack Obama as the first African –American president had an impact on race and class in America. The Americans changed their perspective towards the black people and they were regarded and given equal opportunities in all aspects.
On November 8, Donald Trump was elected as the US president. He was the first person without government experience to get such a high office. It was considered as a decision of the Americans perhaps hoping for new changes in the US.

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