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America History Essay: Comparison and contrast between the Olmec and Greeks

Essay Instructions:

We have covered several different peoples and places so far this term so it is a good idea to take a step back and do some good compare and contrast analysis. This week we are looking at the early American societies and especially the Olmec. We have covered Mesopotamia, Egypt, early China, and early India, the Greeks, and the Romans in the modules leading up to this one. Compare and contrast the Olmec with one of the other societies we have covered so far in the class. You can compare/contrast political structure, the economy, religion, social structure --whatever you want -- but select at least two areas to cover. 3-4 pages. Have a title page, intro, multi-paragraph body, and conclusion. You must have in-text citations from the book.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Comparison and contrast between the Olmec and Greeks
The early American societies entailed different populations of people, including the Olmecs and Greeks. These ancient communities had varying and correlating political structures, economies, religions, and social structures. The aspects were derived and identified from the activities practiced by the populations making the communities. For instance, the Greeks and Olmecs practiced different religious and economic activities to support their lives. Their religious beliefs aligned them to what they could or could not do. They also honored their Gods in multiple ways, like offering sacrifices to them. On the other hand, they participated in economic activities to provide for their families and support trade across other regions. Although the Greeks and Olmecs had religious practices and economic actions, some of their engagement ways differ significantly.
The Olmec
The Olmec were the first major civilization in Mexico. The name Olmec means the rubber people. They were the first demographic to identify how to convert latex into other materials that may be shaped, cured, or hardened (Minster). The civilization did not have extensive writing. They only had bunches of carved symbols. Thus, it was hard identifying the names the Olmec people gave themselves. Although there are no written records regarding the Olmec beliefs, commerce, and or customs, archaeological evidence shows they were not economically confined (Minster). They engaged in economic activities in various parts of the world. Research by Minster reveals the traces of Olmec artifacts in Mesoamerica, intriguing regional trade routes. They traded artifacts made of jade and obsidian rocks (Minster). The Olmec practiced agriculture. They grew medicinal herbs, crops like sunflower, maize, beans, sweet potatoes, and cotton (Minster). While there is no written evidence regarding the Olmec beliefs, their artwork reveals their religion. There were eight Olmec deities with male and female characteristics. The gods, including the maize deity, the rain spirit, and the shark monster, were engaged in religious activities led by elite rulers and priests (Minster). The leaders made an offering at religious sites such as San Lorenzo and La Venta.
The Greeks
The society entailed independent city-states sharing culture and religion. These communities were separated by physical features, including mountains, hills, and water (Khan Academy). Although the Greeks had significant cultural commonalities, the affiliations between communities were temporary. The populations were unified by traditions, including panhellenic games and athletic activities (Khan Academy). The competitions had religious meanings and imp...
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