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Colonial History and Political Context of Mozambique

Essay Instructions:

Please read the instructions in the provided materials and the websites or libraries that can be used for citation. Just write step 1. The title is Colonial History and Political Context, and the country I am assigned to is Mozambique. Please take care to cite at least six academic sources. And please be sure to do a good job intext citation and reference. This assignment will be checked.



The above two websites can provide additional reference resources. But it may not count as an academic resource.

Project Overview The Country Research Project will help you develop in-depth knowledge about one African country. The project is worth 140 points of your overall grade. The project contains three steps which you will be required to perform at different stages of the course and submit as a word document. Each submission should be in a 12 point font size. The word count is 1000 words minimum. This project is essentially a writing assignment. You are expected to read, assess, and draw insights from sources to write your own informed work about an African country. Endeavor to provide a well-rounded, interesting picture of your country. Providing bare facts will lead to a very basic view. To help give a fuller picture of your assigned country, include relevant facts, responses, and analyses that bolster understanding of the topic. The project consists of THREE steps, which you will be required to perform at different stages of the course. You will complete each step as a Word document and submit your completed assignment to the appropriate dropbox. The steps are as follows: Step 1: Colonial History and Political Context. (1000 words minimum) Due at the conclusion of Lesson 5 Step 2: Economy Due at the conclusion of Lesson 8 (1000 words minimum) Step 3: Art/Culture Due at the conclusion of Lesson 11 (1000 words minimum)

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Colonial History and Political Context – MOZAMBIQUE
The republic of the people of Mozambique (República de Moçambique) is geographically located in the southeast area of Africa bordering South Africa and Zimbabwe. Its Capital city is Maputo initially known as Lourenço Marques. Mozambique was colonized by the Portuguese and was traditionally known for its slave ivory and gold trading. Essentially, Mozambique experiences tropical to subtropical climates. It borders the Indian Ocean and thus experiences high coastal temperatures throughout the year. It is believed that the Khoisan people occupied Mozambique before 4000 BC (State University). The Khoisan people were hunters and gatherers, ethnically Bushmen. Maputo settles on Delagoa Bay, which is the main port of Mozambique, making it its capital. 
The tranquility of the port and the Indian Ocean attracted the Arab Merchants in the 18th century who traded gold, slaves, and ivory. In 1497, Vasco Da Gama, a Portuguese explorer, arrived in Mozambique. By 1505, the Portuguese settlers occupied the Arab settlements becoming the majority of Europeans to invade the republic of Mozambique. The Khoisan intermarried with other nomadic Bantus, which became their main activity. 
After the arrival of the Portuguese, they expanded their trade to the interior of Mozambique, earning more ground in the country. There was a division between people in the North and those in the south of Mozambique. In the North, the groups followed a matrilineal pattern of being seminomadic. They moved yearly in search of pastures and fertile soil; thus, the Portuguese did not find a need to invade the area. However, in the south, people were accustomed to Portuguese policies, dressing, language, and religion. Before colonialism, Mozambique was ruled by kings and chiefs who fought among themselves to conquer kingdoms. In the mid-1850s, the Gaza kingdom overtook Mozambique led by the general Soshangane, who was then defeated by the Portuguese when they overthrew him in the 1880s. 
In addition, with the Invasion of Portuguese and their power, people in the south of Mozambique adopted Portuguese and Roman Catholic religion and learned the Portuguese language. Additionally, they evolved from hunters and gatherers to business people, farmers, and traders. Also, after being conquered by the Portuguese, they started paying taxes and working on their farms. In addition to taxes, they were sold as slaves and imprisoned for resisting the new rule of the state (Gudo et al.). 
The internal conflict of interest posed a challenge for Portuguese to rule Mozambique. For instance, landlords from the Rozwi Kingdom wanted power to control property for themselves, while The Mwene Matapa, who was in charge, agreed with the Portuguese and were defeated by the Rozwi Kingdom, who in turn pushed the Portuguese south further. In addition, the Zulu Kingdom was fighting against colonialism through a guerrilla war. The Zulu Kingdom enticed people against colonialists. In 1833, they captured port Maputo and fought against villages to the interior. In addition, the British colonials neighboring Mozambique refused to recognize the Portuguese Invasion. British abolished slave trades to the western countries, but the Portuguese continued with the trade. 
At a conference in Berlin, the Portuguese claimed Angola and west of Mozambique, but the British rejected the claim. The conference was held from 1885-1886 to share African countries equally among the European nations. Thus, the Portuguese had to use local people to fight Britain. However, in 1891, a treaty of negotiation was made between the Portuguese an...
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