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Writing Assignment Brief Overview of Confucian Belief

Essay Instructions:

Instruction: Confucianism (including Mencius, Neo-Confucianism, etc.), Taoism, Buddhism and Legalism are all major schools of thought that have left an indelible mark on Chinese society and culture. But the concepts from these schools of have relevance far beyond the parameters of "Traditional China". Your assignment is to consider each of these philosophies carefully, choose which of them philosophy most closely fits your own world view, and write a 1250 word essay about how and why it fits.
Your paper should include a summary of the philosophy you are writing about (for example, if you choose Confucianism, write a brief overview of Confucian belief). Then, using examples from your own life, write about how this philosophy most closely fits your own life. Also, be sure to use specific examples of how this fits your own life.
The paper must include proper citation (please use Chicago Manual of Style format) and a bibliography. You may use all of your class materials, and you must also use at least three outside sources, which must be printed, peer-reviewed sources. (You may access them from the internet, but they cannot be "Joe Blow's Buddhism Page", or that sort of thing.

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Confucianism is the foundation of traditional Chinese culture as well as a full ideological system developed by Confucius, based on the customary culture of the Shang, Zhou, and Xia genealogies. Its influence over the history, social formation and the people of China cannot be disregarded since it has dominated a feudal civilization and has lasted for about two millenniums. Confucianism is the way of life spread by Confucius and was embraced by the Chinese people for a longer period. In spite of it changing over period, it is still regarded as the essence of learning, the source of values, and the social system of the Chinese. Furthermore, its influence has also expanded to other nations, especially Japan, Vietnam, and Korea. Confucianism may be valued as a broad way of thinking and living that involve respect for ancestor and a thoughtful humanistic spirituality[Weiming. “Confucianism.” Encyclopedia Britannica, 2016, 1]
Confucius, a great educationist, thinker, and failed politician had a greatest influence over the Chinese character. Confucius pursued truth, gentleness, and flawlessness all through his life and his success and failure were mostly attributed to his character that had a perpetual impact on Chinese intellect. Moreover, Confucius regarded himself as a transmitter who intentionally attempted to reanimate the old in order to achieve the new. He projected stimulating the meaning of the history by supporting a ritualized life. Confucius love for historical objects was aggravated by his strong aspiration to comprehend why certain life structures and institutions including respect for ancestors, humanistic religious practices, and bereavement rituals, had continue to exist for centuries. His expedition into the history was an exploration for roots that he assumed as stuck in humanity deepest needs for belonging and communicating. Confucius had belief in the swelling power of culture. In spite of the fact that conventional ways had lost liveliness, Confucius believed that they had great potential for regeneration in the future. In addition, his logic of the past was strong that he perceived himself as a preservationist in charge for the continuity of the cultural ideals and the social standards that had worked so well for the idealized civilization of the Western Zhou kingdom[Judith. “Confucianism.” 2014, 1]
Conversely, Mencius life in various respects was similar to that of Confucius. Mencius argued that the ruler were to provide for the interests of the people in various ways, including material provision for their living and ethical and educational supervision for their learning. Mencius had worked out a distinct plan to achieve economic adequacy for the common people. Furthermore, he advocated reasonable taxes, free trade, preservation of natural resources, welfare initiative for the aged and less privileged and almost equal distribution of riches[Mei. “Mencius, Chinese philosopher.” 2012, 1]
Neo-Confucianism was the revitalization of several strands of Confucian way of life and political culture, which achieved fresh levels of intellectual and social creativity. Neo-Confucian masters believed that conceptual knowledge was worthless except if adjoined with moral self-reflection and fostering that give rise to appropriate ethical behavior. Furthermore, Neo-Confucianism developed into a worldwide association and extended to Japan, Korea, and Vietnam. The philosophy prospered very well in all the countries and most of artistic philosophical work was attained in Japan and Korea[Berthrong. “Neo-Confucian Philosophy.” 2013, 1] <...
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