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The conflict and integration of different ethnicities in Chinese history and their influence on today's Chinese culture

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my topic is "The conflict and integration of different ethnicities in Chinese history and their influence on today's Chinese culture" (The Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms Xianbei and other ethnic groups unified the Central Plains. The influence of Chinese culture may be in terms of food, language, customs, festivals, etc.) (The ethnic conflicts and integration of the Han and other ethnicities who unified the Central Plains, and the foreign ethnicities unified the Central Plains in the Yuan Dynasty and Qing Dynasty. Their influence on Modern Chinese culture, the aspects of diet, language, customs, festivals, and so on)

The paper should have a clear argument and resource to support. (MLA)

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Different Ethnicities’ Conflict and Integration in China’s History and Their Impact on Existing Chinese Culture
The history of china is marked by the existence of different eras and periods. The first era was before 1600 BC, where China was primarily charted by prehistoric evidence and legends (Graff, Andrew, and Robin 1). This was followed by the ancient era from 1600 to 221BC, then the imperial era that rose due to china's unification from 221BC-1912 AD under the authority of Qin until the decline of the Qing dynasty. The fourth is china's republic era from 1912-1949 and the modern Chinese era from 1949 up to now. China's history has occurred rotationally between political peace and unity periods, failed statehood, and war periods, the latest one being the 1927-1949 Chinese Civil War. From time to time, China was controlled by the plain or grassland people whom most of them were absorbed into the Han people's Chinese population and culture. Many Chinese dynasties were founded between multiple warlordism and kingdoms' eras, which ruled the whole of China or parts of it. These dynasties contributed to the integration and conflict between different ethnicities that influence today's Chinese culture.
Chinese History Periods
Warring States Period
The collapse of the Zhou Dynasty made outlying provinces' feudal rulers gain more control, eventually having more power compared to the king bringing about a conflict period referred to as the Warring States. This is a period in the ancient Chinese era that was signified by consolidation, warfare, military, and bureaucratic reforms. This period was accompanied by the spring and autumn period, then ended with the Qin conquest wars that brought about other contender countries’ annexation, ultimately leading to the Qin's victory as a unified Chinese dynasty 221BC. The Qin's rule marked the first time China was united and ruled by one emperor. Philosophies of governance and life rose during this period, and the most prominent were Daoism, Legalism, and Confucianism.
Spring and Autumn Period
This Chinese history period began in 771-476 BC, corresponding to the Eastern Zhou first half period. In contrast to its name, which sounds peaceful, this historical period was plentiful of bloodshed and conflict. During the Eastern Zhou regime, the spring and autumn period was branded by the fall of Zhou's court power, followed by a rapid increase in individual states' power. The Zhou’s royal command over different feudal states disintegrated as more marquesses and dukes attained de facto territorial liberty, disobeying the Luoyi king's court and causing wars between themselves. The lasting legacy left behind by this period is the period's philosophers, who were Lao Tzu, Sun Tzu, and Confucius. Jin's gradual partition marked the spring and autumn period's decline and the Warring States' start.
The Five Dynasties and the Ten Kingdoms Period
This was a political division and upheaval era in the 10th centennial Imperial China that began in 907-979 BC. Five different states swiftly succeeded each other in China's Central Plain, leading to numerous concurrent states elsewhere, more so in Southern China. The five dynasties and the ten kingdoms period were the final prolonged political division periods in China's history during the Imperial era. This era began as the Tang dynasty fell in 907 and came to its climax while the Song Dynasty was being established in 960 (Brose 4). In the remaining 19 years before the period's decline Song dynasty swiftly subdued the rest of the states. After Tang's dynasty collapsed, the Central Plain Warlords inaugurated themselves as monarchs to command the Central Plain. Therefore, being granted legitimacy over the held territories or remaining China parts as the immediate Tang’s next of kin. The Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period's final dynasty was Han, which was not conquered by Song until 979, thus reclaiming all former Tang's territories.
Chinese Dynasties
Chinese dynasties are inherited monarchial administrations with authority over China and its occupants in most of its history (Fairbank, King, and Goldman 46). China dynasties were not bounded to the Han ethnicity people who were the supreme Chinese ethnic category and its forerunner, the Huaxia alliance, but also involved people from non-Han populations. The enormous orthodox dynasty in China's history, depending on the territorial area, was the Qing dynasty or the Yuan dynasty based on the ancient source.
Qing Dynasty (From 1644-1912)
The Qing dynasty was the last to be founded in the Chinese Imperial era. The Manchus grew stronger in china, northeast during the late period of the Ming Dynasty (Graff, Andrew, and Robin 115). The Manchus ambushed China for a long period in succession, leading to the founding of the Qing Dynasty by Emperor Shunzhi. This era is recognized for its tumultuous late years and initial prosperity, and also for being among the two eras where China was not under the authority of the Han. The other famous emperors who ruled during this dynasty are Emperor Qianlong and Emperor Kangxi, who brought about the "golden age of prosperity." Although, this dynasty is noted for the final years of Qing's era forced trade. Contemporary China's state was created during the Qing era.
Yuan Dynasty
The Mongols formed the Yuan dynasty, and they ruled china starting 1271 -1368 CE (Endicott-West, Elizabeth pn1). The Yuan dynasty was the first foreign dynasty to rule in China, and it ruled between the reign of the Song and Ming dynasties. The dynasty was formed by Genghis Khan, who was an illiterate nomad. Together with his two sons, he laid a good foundation for the Yuan dynasty by conquering the Hexi corridor, central Asia, and Mongolia and defeating the Western Xia. The Mongols overthrew th...
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