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The Chinese Civilization Along The Yellow River

Essay Instructions:

Talk about Ancient China Civilization. Mainly focus on the importance and impacts of rivers (Yangzi river and Yellow River) for Ancient China Civilization, and prove it by talking the influences of rivers for other three Civilization (Ancient Egypt, Ancient India, and Mesopotamia). Write it with more personal feelings and interests rather than research paper. You can decide the topic and paper format.

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Major Civilizations
Looking around at the society, there are quite a number of sophisticated processes from the way people relate with one another, with the animals and with material that are found on the earth surface, water and even underground (National Geographic Society). There is a high level of organization within the human society that is almost astounding. It quite interesting to note that, it was not always as it is today. As several years back, people were not as civilized as they are today. Aspects such as language and social elements of organization in the society were not as developed (Historyworld). However, over the years, the human society has become one of the most sophisticated. What is more interesting is that, the level of civilization has not come to a close. Rather it is a continuous process, that goes on even today. Whenever there is the mention of the civilization processes, there three main places that are considered to have been quite pivotal to evolution of the process; China, Egypt and India. These are some of the first places that have been recorded to have had some very significant civilization corner stones (Historyworld). They form the bulk of the evidence that have been collected across the globe, where some significant civilization processes have taken place leading to the society that we have today (National Geographic Society). However, civilization is a wide topic and it is crucial to consider some of the more specific elements that led to the developments that human societies enjoy today with reference to the three places. Rivers have formed the basis for most of the world civilizations across the globe (Historyworld). In this case, some of the main rivers that played a crucial role in the human civilization process are associated with China, Egypt and India are Yellow, Nile and Indus. As such, these are civilizations that can be referred to as river valley civilizations ("Ancient River Civilizations"). From the base point that the rivers offered a valuable resource, that is, water for human, agricultural and industrial use, rivers formed a very significant point in most of the civilizations across the globe, not just in these three places.
The Chinese civilization along the Yellow River
The Chinese civilization is one that has had some profound impacts on the development that the Asian community has seen over the years. Like most of the above-mentioned civilization, this is also a river valley civilization. Ideally, this is a civilization that is associated with a number of rivers among the major ones the Yellow River ("Ancient Yellow River Civilization, Culture"). This is a river that has brought some subtle level of growth in the region with reference to industrial and agricultural growth. Most of the areas that are around the river have significantly rich fertile soils. As such, for most of the people along the river, they had ample water to irrigate the land. Coupled with the fertile lands, most of the people settled along the river valley (De, Bary W. T, Irene Bloom, Wing-tsit Chan, Joseph Adler, and Richard J. Lufrano).
One of the aspects that can be derived from the Yellow river is the element of food production. This is a key element in any community. Ideally, where there is enough food, it then becomes quite easy for the community to thrive. Food supply is associated with prosperity as most of the people have the ability to now concentrate on other development activities (De, Bary W. T, Irene Bloom, Wing-tsit Chan, Joseph Adler, and Richard J. Lufrano). Poverty is an aspect that is largely associated with lack of the ability to access food and without the regard for a balanced diet.
The Yellow river was one that has not only brought the element prosperity, rather was also associated with demise. This is ideally a positive element, regardless of the fact that, it is associated with the loss of life and property. The Yellow river has over the years changed faces, when in some of the cases, it has been associated with death and unimaginable destruction. In a number of incidences, the river has wiped out entire villages. Part of the civilization process is associated with rising above challenges. This is to mean that, for the people living in the valley they had to adapt. They had to develop ways to come up with ways to manage the river to their advantage. It is challenges such as this that have been the driving force behind the growth in almost all areas of the human society (De, Bary W. T, Irene Bloom, Wing-tsit Chan, Joseph Adler, and Richard J. Lufrano).
The civilization in the Chinese community is associated with the different dynasties. The Yellow river civilization dates back to the Xia Dynasty which ruled between the year 2100 to 1600 B.C (Szczepanski, Kallie). This brings back the element of the challenges that the Chinese civilization were based on, especially along the Yellow river. The Xia Dynasty involved uniting a number of tribes along the valley to come up with the solution for the floods that were devastating the valley. One of the solution that the dynasty brought to the valley involved the element of digging up channels to drain much of the water that flooded the valley (Szczepanski, Kallie). Relative to the growth that was associated with the river, some of the major dynasties such that Shang and Tang Dynasties were also centered along the valley ("Ancient Yellow River Civilization, Culture"). This speaks to the element of organization in the society within China with reference to power, economy, politics and culture. These are elements that can be attributed to more than that fertile lands, abundance of foods and the plentiful water resources. The valley was also associated with rich mineral deposits for bronze. The valley also became known for the vast supplies in silk as well as potteries.
A closer look at the river reveals that it was the source of civilization movements that were associated with much of China. Ideally the river offered more than just food which in most of the times was n surplus. It also offered a rich ground for minerals and thus industrial growth. The river brought together a number of tribes together, and enhanced the chances of interactions enriching the culture in China. It offered a means to travel from one place to the next, helping the different tribes to mix and form a complex society, they also have aspect such as politics and a thriving economy (Szczepanski, Kallie). It brought people together mixing the different cultures in their differences and similarities to come up with a more refined Chinese culture. The river presents the spirit of the Chinese culture, the level of grit, industriousness along with aspects of assiduity. It is a symbol of the Chinese history that links all the people of China and the rich culture thriving on the motherland.
The Indus River Valley Civilization
The Indus civilization is one that is also referred to Harappan Civilization. This is largely associated with the current northwest India, northeast Afghanistan and Pakistan. However, it is crucial to note that the civilization is associate with a number of three main phases (Khan Academy). The first phase is referred to as the early Harappan Phase which lasted between the years 3300-2600 BCE, then there is the second phase that is referred to as Mature Harappan Phase which lasted between the years 2600 and 1900 BCE and lastly is the Late Harappan Phase which lasted between the years 1900 and 1300 BCE (Khan Academy). The civilization is accredited with having an estimated five million people. They had a political and technical process that was one of the best at the time associated with urban environment designs and land use. With reference to the urban development, this is a civilization that was well versed with the art of establishing water supply systems, elaborate drainage systems baked brick houses and assorted large clusters of nonresidential buildings (Khan Academy).
This is a civilization that some significant and interesting elements of how it came to be discovered. Ideally, as the British colonials were building railway in India, some of the workers discovered baked bricks in their thousands (Khan Academy). Ironically, they did not immediately stop to question why there were thousands of uniform baked bricks that seemed quite old. Some of th...
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