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China in the Global Market

Essay Instructions:

Using the three questions below, assess how prepared your two chosen regions were in the 1400s to enter the emerging global marketplace. [Adapted from DGP, 415]


a. Discuss one strength that either or both of your areas had. Provide evidence from your documents to support your answer.

b. Discuss one weakness that either or both of your areas had. Provide evidence from your documents to support your answer.

c. Which area was better prepared to enter the emerging global marketplace? Provide evidence from your documents to support your answer.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Zhang Han’s
Historically, China is known to be ambitious in entering the global market. Marco Polo described China as having Vigor to penetrate the global market during his visit in the 19th century. Hangzhou was a commercial city with a population of approximately 1 million, with most merchants and refugees. Merchants facilitated long-distance trade, intercultural and dialogue between other traders. In addition, wealthy merchants financed local developments and exchanged information and ideas with authority. Further, the Chinese government allowed private merchants to explore South East Asia and provide trade information, which could benefit China.
China invested in the fleet and naval vessels as an instrument of trade between china and the neighboring regions. It created a relationship with the adjacent regions, which made work more accessible and smooth between the areas. For instance, in the 14th century, the Chinese discovered Temasek, today Singapore, which became an important port that served as a getaway for regions around south Johor and the Riau Archipelago( Rahman). This made products from the area available and accessible to Asia traders. This allowed merchants to trade goods easily to Indonesia, Cyclon, and other surrounding regions easier. This made china to be one of the best economies in the region.
However, by the end of the 14th century, the rise of the Ming dynasty of Ch...
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