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Can International Terrorism be Contained?

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Terrorism has in the past been defined in many different definitions, implying that the word terrorism real definition hasn`t been agreed upon in the entire world, therefore the standard meaning of terrorism. The United States law defines terrorism as a deliberate, political motivated attack aimed at injuring or killing civilians by underground militants (Rourke, 217). Another definition of the term terrorism is the physical destruction of people`s lives or property by a group of armed people acting against a recognized government with the aim of redressing direct and indirect justice from an existing government (Shams par, 1).
In that case International Terrorism is the attack of citizens or territories of more than one country. In this case the underground group will attack the civilians or another country that they don`t belong in attempts aimed at informing the government of the country that they aren`t satisfied with the way the government address issues concerning the organization this will help the underground organization to fulfill its missions thus helping the organization get justice and attention from the government that they have attacked (Report of the National Commission on Terrorism, paragraph 13).
How the terrorists operate
Terrorists have a new way of attacking there targets other than the use of the straight way of attack where they will be involved in open warfare aimed at attacking there targets. This is what makes terrorism a different type of crime as the other types of criminal activities. Instead of the directly attacking there enemies Terrorists will deliberate attack there civilian targets in order to bring fear to the civilians and government of the attacked country (Rourke, 217). It should be noted that terrorists operate in groups and this will make the law enforcing organs to find difficulty in arresting the terrorists.
Terrorists will not inform there target that they will attack them but instead they will ambush them when they aren`t aware and perform the attack, and will be able to associate themselves with the crime only after the entire population is aware of the attack (Report of the National Commission on Terrorism Par, 17).
Reasons that make it difficult to counter terrorism
According to my own understanding I believe that international terrorism is difficult to contain this is because there are various reasons that makes it difficult to be contained completely one reason for the failure is because the Terrorists operate as a group that is internationally affiliated with the other group from other region sharing the same ideologies, religion and activities (Dempsey Par, 2). Thus making the law enforcement organs to find it difficult to arrest a specific group this is because there is no specific suspect that can be identified and caught, but instead there are a variety of groups that are in different locations in the world and each making it difficult for the law enforcing organs/ agencies to lay hand on the terrorist groups.
Another reason making International Terrorism difficult to contain is because the terrorists use unique tactics that erodes the freedom and treasury of a country, this is especially when terrorists use the tactics that erodes the treasury of a country an example is when the Al-Qaeda used the strategy that made the USSR to be bankrupt to the extent of collapsing (Rourke, 200). The group used Afghanistan as its base this is because the country had no strong government that would help in containing its activities but the state of anarchy in Afghanistan made it difficult for the USSR to contain it resulting to the collapse of USSR, (Chellaney Par, 3). This is also a problem that is being experience to day as the United States Of America Is falling in huge debts as they can not be able to arrest the leaders of the organizations who are exposing the country major attacks.
International Terrorism cannot be contained easily because the terrorists have sophisticated weapons and tactics, they poses nuclear weapons and atomic bombs that they use during there operations (Dempsey Par, 2). It should be noted that the terrorists have improved weapons and technology in there attacks this makes it difficult for the government intelligence system to detect the possibility of there attacks thus there improved technology gadgets makes it difficult for the vice to be con...
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