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Archaeology. Answer the questions for Archaeology Class

Essay Instructions:

Answer the questions for Archaeology Class

(i) Length: Each question should be one paragraph or half of a page

1. On what time periods do archaeologists focus their energies? Which time periods are they not interested in studying?

2. Is culture uniquely human? Do any other species exhibit behaviors that we can call cultural?

3. What is the scientific method? How does it work? Does archaeology qualify as a science?

4. By law, who owns archaeological material found on private property? By law, who owns archaeological material found on public property?

(ii) Length: One page

Describe how archaeological research contributes to our knowledge of the diversity of human cultural adaptations.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Section One
1. On what periods do archaeologists focus their energies? Which periods are they not interested in studying?
Archeologists in their endeavor to conduct studies of people in the ancient times, their activities as well as actions, cultural activities, tools along with their superstitious and religious practices focusing on the past moments and artifacts that are presently extinct. It generally sees material remains. However, it has as of late advanced to inspect scenes and ideas of geology, furnishing a hybrid with both human topography and natural examinations. It started in Europe around the late seventeenth century, concentrating antiquated landmarks and locales with the communicated motivation behind finding curios and fortunes and putting them in plain view. It generally focuses on material remains. However, has as of late developed to inspect scenes and ideas of geology, giving a hybrid of both human topography and ecological investigations. It started in Europe around the late seventeenth century, concentrating on antiquated landmarks and destinations with the communicated motivation behind finding relics and fortunes and putting them in plain view. Nevertheless, they are not interested in present times.
2. Is culture uniquely human? Do any other species exhibit behaviors that we can call cultural?
Culture is not uniquely human since in recent years archeologists and anthropologists have detected cultural characteristics in animals such as chimpanzees. The recognition of animal culture is, in any case, an experimental minefield. One of the biggest concerns is related to ignoring or dismissing with some level of assurance that biology or qualities are not determinants of conduct contrasts seen between populaces (Laland, 2003). A standout, amongst the most connected procedures for this, has been the " strategy for prohibition " – if geographic contrasts in conduct (to be specific, nearness versus nonattendance between populaces) cannot be ascribed to environment or qualities, at that point, their temperament can be concluded to be cultural.
3. What is the scientific method? How does it work? Does archaeology qualify as a science?
The logical technique is an observational procedure for getting an education that has depicted the headway of science since the seventeenth century. It incorporates careful discernment, applying exhaustive doubt about what is watched, given that abstract assumptions can distort how one interprets the recognition. It incorporates characterizing hypotheses, through acknowledgment, in light of such reco...
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