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Anti-colonialism: The Level Of Freedom

Essay Instructions:

Write a “letter to the editor,” using your knowledge of global history to make an argument or a point about one current event in our present moment. Imagine you are writing for the general public. You may choose ANY topic in current events—economic, foreign policy, political, cultural, social—and it need not be something we have explicitly discussed in class. The idea, here, is to use your knowledge of history to illuminate a feature of our current moment: how does knowledge of the past help us better understand a current issue, or perhaps pose alternatives or solutions to current problems?

Your letter should:

Address a specific newspaper or magazine of your choice (for example, The Kingsman, The Excelsior, the New York Times, or an online publication like Rethinking Schools)
briefly explain the current event/topic you have chosen (one paragraph)
use specific historical ideas, events, processes, or debates as evidence to make your point. Be sure to engage at least three of the sources we have read for class (3-5 paragraphs)

Assignment: This assignment asks you to make an argument using the documents we have been reading each week and to draw on evidence from lectures and discussions to support your argument.

Length and Format: Your essay should be between 1000 and 1200 words (~4 pages), typed in 12-point Times New Roman font, double-spaced, standard 1-inch margins, with page numbers. Your essay should (1) articulate and defend an argument, and (2) employ a rich variety of evidence from lectures, readings, and discussions to support the argument. Your essay will be penalized for the incorrect reading of the documents, poor organization, awkward prose, grammatical errors, and typos. This essay is worth 20% of your final grade.

Primary Source Analysis: You will be relying heavily on primary sources, so be sure to determine the context of the source by answering some questions about them, such as: Who is the author, and what is their objective? Who is the audience they are writing to? What was going on at this time and place that might explain what they’re writing? Thinking about these questions will help you make sense of sources in order to use them in your paper.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Name: Instructor: Course: Date: Anti-colonialism It is not until freedom is taken that people feel the pain that comes with it. The government has continually come up with policies that are aimed at taking away the freedom of the people. What is interesting to note is that, this is not an aspects that has started today, it has been there in the past and with even more stringent measures to maintain power and hold over the people. It is the right of every man to be free of any form of exploitation as these are rights that are given by God. Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness are the three main elements that captured in the declaration and they form the basis of the constitution of the United States. They are the guiding principle of what the government of the people should be and what it not to be. The powers of the people are also seen to be quite immense as they have the power to do away with a government that does not represent their interests. The only way that people can make sure that they are accorded the level of freedom that they deserve is if they take it upon themselves to fight colonialism even in this day and age. The people have been oppressed through the level of services that they receive from the government. Life is constantly becoming expensive and the level of pay is never rising as fast to match the cost of living. For most of the families even the thought of taking their children to college is a scary one given that they do not have the resources for the same. They are constantly living from hand to mouth. This is an element that also played out in Congo, under the colonial powers. How is this different from now, when the standards of living are even rising and the people are never accorded quality pay to match the same? Most of the parents are forced to work more than one job some even doing four jobs just to support their families. This is exploitation of the highest order, given that even after they have worked so hard to bring their families the bread, the government then takes the lion’s share in terms of taxes. Ironically, the government will not provide quality living places as most of the struggling families are forced to make do with the low quality housing. With is most ironic is the fact that, most of this are the African Americans among other minority races. It is the right of the people to demand that they are offered quality jobs. After all it is the duty of the government after collecting the taxes to make sure that they offer their people the right living conditions that they deserve. For the African American community there are quite a number of elements that simply have to be settled first. The freedom of the African Americans has to be left to them. This way they are not constantly being harassed by the police while using brutal force. More often t...
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