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American Revolutionary War

Essay Instructions:

History Paper

The length of this paper will be five typed pages and the number of sources will be five or more. The subject matter will be anything to do with a historical topic you are interested in before 1980. You might pick a famous person and concentrate on his/her activity—you don't, however, want to simply write the bio of an individual. You might pick an event and discuss it in light of its importance, what led up to it, and how it affected a general outcome (such as a battle affects a war). If you pick an event, make sure it is connected to a specific point in time. You might also pick an object that has something to do with war/politics……a famous document or the effect a certain kind of rifle had on a war…etc. The specific topics are too numerous to mention/list here. Plus, I want you to consider what you already know, what you would like to know more about, or what you have covered in history classes. Whatever you choose, write it down with your name and hand it in to me.

Remember—this is another ESSAY, so we will want to continue our use of the essay form, quote form, work cited form. Continue also to work on Topic Sentences and whatever you may have made mistakes on in the past papers.

I will give you a few hints for topics.

American Wars—Revolutionary War, War of 1812, Civil War, WW I/II, Viet Nam War…etc. All these are interesting and contain a number of interesting events and individuals.

American Presidents—Every president has had an interesting time in office. Now is your chance to investigate someone who is important to our history that you may know little about. Check the World Book for some good information.

European wars and history are certainly fair game. My advice is to sit down with a history book and look through it. Try a couple of topics that catch your eye and narrow them down by finding out which has the most researchable information on it.

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American Revolutionary War
On July 4 each year, Americans dedicate the day as a national holiday to celebrate their independence from Great Britain in what is historically known as the American Revolution as a symbol of pride and patriotism. Since early history, Americans have always admired the Founding Fathers of the nation, the Constitution, and the Revolutionary War. In similar magnitude, the American Revolution and the dispute between the thirteen colonies and England takes center stage for most college students (Crowley 737). However, there have been unresolved debates over the justification of the American Revolution, with critics claiming that the revolt against Britain to bring an end to the social contract and afford protection for all Americans was largely unwarranted (Frazer 35). Figures such as Thomas Hobbes was an early subscriber to the contractarianism and maintained that citizens could only overthrow he government if it failed to adequately provide security or when their leader was found to be weak. On the question of whether the war was justified, Frazer (35) has evaluated the American state during the 1770s, including the American's claim that they were Englishmen, the levels of freedom and taxation during the time, the violence advanced by American colonists, as well as the core American argument that no taxes could be collected devoid of representation. With reports of the key events and the exploration of the American propaganda based on the prequalification of a standard just war, Gregg (35) concludes that the American colonist fought an unjust war. This paper looks at the history of the war to present reasons for the Revolutionary War, its significance, and how it affected the general outcome.
Reasons for the War
The American Revolutionary War, which is also referred to as the American Revolution, was an important event in the late eighteenth century that resulted in the North American British colonies overthrowing the British government and later establish the United States of America. The main reason for the war was the contention as to whether the British government had the authority to enact taxation laws and other sanctions on the American colonies without representation of the people in parliament. The Stamp Act of 1765, the Boston Massacre, the Townshend Acts, and Intolerable Acts, and the Boston Tea Party (British Library np) were important events resulting in the war. In addition, there were radical thinkers such as Thomas Paine and some secret organizations such as the Sons of Liberty that played an instrumental role in launching protests against the unfair treatment and legislations imposed by the British colonies. The actors drove people to struggle and fight for their independence and freedom from Great Britain. Besides many other reasons that led to the American Revolutionary War, particular reasons led to the American Revolutionary War, including the age of enlightenment, increased sense of independence on the part of colonists, and financial pressures imposed on Great Britain.
The Age of Enlightenment can be described as the philosophical and intellectual movement which dominated the world of ideas in the 18th century. Writers during this time, including Thomas Hobbes, Jean-Jacques, John Locke, and Baron de Montesquieu, introduced concepts such as social contract, the consent to be governed, and a limitation in authority. Besides, during the Age of Enlightenment, concepts such as "all men are equal" and that kings did not have all the divine rights to rule emerged and thus empowering Americans to revolt against the British government. Thomas Paine's "Common Sense" (1776) aimed at convincing the colonists to demand their independence from the British government. Secondly, the growing independence of the colonists also explains the reason for the war. Unlike the colonies in Asia and Africa, Americans did not experience racial discrimination to rise against the oppression. Instead, Americans wanted to be independent of the British government interferences in domestic and legal matters. While the colonies practiced self-governance, the British government exercised a veto over their legislations, and the colonial legislatures were authorized to pass laws, muster the troops, and levy taxes. This authority could later yield a sense of independence among the colonists, and when the British government attempted to exercise more power over the colonies, a revolt erupted. Lastly, Great Britain imposed financial pressure due to the Seven Years' War that lasted between 1756 and 1763, resulting from a conflict between Britain and France. In the United States, the Indian and French War also occurred simultaneously, thus pitting the British colonies against the area colonized by France in America, known as the New France. While Britain won the France and Indian War, the triumph came with a huge financial cost. Britain r...
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