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American Revolution and the Large-Scale Violence by the Europeans

Essay Instructions:

Please answer two of the following questions in organized, formal, analytical essays, of at least 800 words each, that you submit together as one file. I do not want you to simply list out page after page of facts and quotes. If you do that, you will not earn a high score, because you will have written a report. You need to think about these questions, draw on what we have covered, and provide convincing answers, backed up with evidence and specific examples, and cited. No citations means no passing grade.

This exam is about showing that you can think about some of the big ideas of the course so far, and deliver original thoughts. You have a while to write these, so I expect them to be well-written. Grammar and mechanics will be part of your grade.
As far as sources go, while I obviously cannot prevent you from googling your way into oblivion, keep in mind that the examples and specifics you provide have to be found in some combination of the textbook, lectures, and primary source documents we have covered, just like your papers. If you’re writing about things that you just found somewhere, that is not going to work. These are not research papers, so please, do not use outside sources – they are prohibited. These essays will go through TurnItIn, so do not bother trying to copy.

Really, I cannot stress this enough – stay off the Web when writing these. Trying to find answers online is the fast track to an academic integrity case, and if there appears to be evidence of an infraction, which can pretty much only come from looking at things that are not the textbook, lecture notes or primary sources, I will not hesitate to report it.


1)Despite never appearing in the US Constitution by name, slavery was a key issue in writing and ratifying the document. How and why?

2)The founding of the United States in the years after the American Revolution was a point at which America could have reset its relationship with slavery, but instead chose not to. Why?

3)Large-scale violence has been a part of America since shortly after the first Europeans landed in the present-day United States. How can we see this throughout the history we have studied so far, what were some specific goals, and what have its ramifications been?

Only two of the three questions need to be answered, written in a word document. Write two separate articles to answer two different questions, each with no less than 800 words.

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The founding of the United States in the years after the American Revolution was a point at which America could have reset its relationship with slavery, but instead chose not to. Why?
The American Revolution secured the founding of the US on 4 July 1776. The Declaration of Independence proclaimed universal rights, rooted not in British precedents but in the laws of nature (Clark and Hewitt 203). The new country had its authority, not with the kings or rulers but with the people occupying the colonies. One bold step was the idea that “all men are created equal.” The statement demonstrated the popular move to wrest self-government and self-determination from the hierarchical powers vested in the imperial monarchy. The statement also embodied the idea of equality for all. Indeed, the American Revolution and the subsequent Declaration of Independence provided hope for a better future based on principles that respected human rights. While the US should have used the American Revolution and the subsequent founding of the nation to reset its relationship with slavery, the US chose to continue with the same institution.
The Revolution did not abolish slavery entirely but reduced the institution's popularity. The founding of America continued to raise more questions than answers on the issue of slavery. On the one hand, some felt that no contradiction existed between the Patriot cause and the ownership of slaves. Prior to the Revolution, the Patriots held that the recent British laws for the American colonies were unfair and amounted to a violation of their rights. The supporters of slavery in the newly founded America maintained that having other humans as the property was a fact of life no one could deny (Clark and Hewitt 232). Some slave owners like Washington and Jefferson agonized with the problem of slavery. However, British and Loyalist commentators quickly corrected the American revolutionaries who complained of enslavement but were reluctant to abolish the system. Nonetheless, the Revolution altered the way slavery operated. For instance, the Vermont constitution outlawed slavery. Notable individuals like Alexander Hamilton released slaves he had acquired. Lawsuits from former slaves led to the abolishment of slavery in Massachusetts and Hampshire.
America embraced abolition where economic circumstances allowed. While slavery declined in the new country, it remained important in some northern states. For instance, Pennsylvania and New Jersey passed abolition laws which bound the children of the existing slaves to labor until they became adults in 1780 and 1804, respectively (Clark and Hewitt 232). New Jersey and Pennsylvania freed their last slaves in 1846 and 1847, respectively. Generally, the number of slaves in the North reduced from 50,000 in 1775 to 27,000 in 1810 (Clark and Hewitt 233). Most of these slaves worked as laborers and domestic workers. In the South, the demand for slaves was reduced because of the shift from tobacco to grain cultivation. As a result, the number of slave owners releasing their slaves increased. The slave owners appreciated that slavery violated the inalienable rights of individuals. They believed that it contradicted Christ’s commands. However, a majority of the slaves had to purchase their freedom. Freedom was the hardest to attain, and plantation agriculture remained strong. For example, in the Lower South, where plantation agriculture thrived, only 4% of African Americans were freed. However, the Upper South, which had less plantation agriculture, freed 10% of slaves by the same year.
The US Constitution continued to support slavery, albeit discreetly. While the African Americans hoped that the US Constitution would offer them freedom from slavery, this did not happen. The Constitution was a major blow to the hopes of slaves for freedom. Instead, the Constitution became a means the northern merchants and traders could use for their benefit. For the southern planters, the Constitution became a tool for perpetuating slavery. They realized that the federal system allowed individuals to organize themselves around their common interests. For instance, since the Constitution did not forbid slavery, slave owners would continue maintaining slavery to create more wealth. Moreover, the Constitution remained silent on state rules that disenfranchised blacks because of their color and poverty (Clark and Hewitt 247). The protections of the Bill of Rights said nothing about slaves since they did not have the status of citizens at the time.
Conclusively, the American Revolution and the subsequent founding of America raised the possibilities of freedom for slaves that were only inadequately fulfilled. While African Americans thought that the Revolution would create a society where everyone mattered, they soon realized this was not the case. Instead, the new American continued with its racial discrimination approaches. The Constitution remained silent regarding slavery, making it impossible to abolish the institution immediately. Despite...
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