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17th-Century Technology Advancements and their Impact on the US Economy

Essay Instructions:

The assignment instructions are as follows:

"Write a minimum 800-word paper on one’s topic. Students will do research on your topic with a minimum of 3 scholarly/academic and/or reliable sources. Students must provide a Works Cited/Reference and have at least three in-text citations. The paper must be done on a word processor using number 12 Times Roman and double spaced. U-se MLA or APA format. Students’ grades will be based on the quality of your introduction, thesis statement, inclusion of major examples with details, support for points, organization of paper, and conclusion."

My topic of choice is "how the advancement of technology impacted the U.S economy during the 17th century, such as how technology such as the railroads revolutionized the accessibility of markets." 3 sources are required on a works cited page. If you have any questions, please ask, I'll help as much as I can

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17th-Century Technology Advancements and their Impact on the US Economy
Every century in history houses new knowledge and technological advancements that have cumulatively contributed to changes in the economy and, subsequently, the well-being of the people. All sectors are affected by technological advances, improving or decreasing their efficiency and effectiveness. These advancements' main aim was to improve the quality of life through reduced struggles, better lives, and civilizations which we can all agree have been a huge success. Examining a century's technological advancements and inventions helps analyze their effects during that period. This essay evaluates how technological advancement affected the US economy during the 17th century.
The most mentioned inventors in this period were Giovanni Branca, Gascoigne, Blasie Pascal, Evangelista Torricelli, and Isaac Newton. Most of these inventions, such as the steam turbine and calculus, were just theoretical, and not many physical changes occurred in the era. The steam turbine remained a theory until its implementation in the 18th century. Some historians call the era the "dark period" due to the lack of a breakthrough in technology or other advancements. During the 17th century, various roads were developed, including the "Albany post road (1669), King's highway which started in 1650, and Mohegan road (1670) which were built to ease access to the markets" (Krotova). Farms and plantation owners had trouble transporting their products, and these roads eased the problem, stimulating an increase in production and market economic activities. Horse and mule carriages and individual carriages helped increase access to the markets and further steered development. Individuals differentiated carriages and used them for different purposes, such as transporting people and produce. "These major roads increased movement, facilitated governance, and improved trade, steering the economic development in this era" (Krotova). Other agricultural advancements included plows, hay and grain sickles, and flail for threshing. These tools also increased agricultural production efficiency. Most of these tools were wooden because metal was rare, rather expensive, and only for a small population before their popularity in the 19th century. Agriculture was rather difficult despite being the main economic activity of the time. Linda notes, "This renaissance age was characterized by widespread desire to shift from the ancient world and adopt new, more effective ways." Some inventions, such as the adding machine by Blaise Pascal in 1642, helped solve complicated mathematics such as ...
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