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Treatment of HIV/AIDS: Antiretroviral Therapy (ART)

Essay Instructions:

what treatments are available to people infected with HIV and are they effective?

It must be double spaced, have a lot of notations, and be five pages length ( Title Page, three pages of research and a work cited page).

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Student`s Name Professor`s Name Course Date HIV/AIDS HIV/AIDS, also known as human immunodeficiency virus and acquired immune deficiency syndrome, is a spectrum of conditions caused by a particular type of virus called HIV (human immunodeficiency virus). After the initial infection, a person may not be able to notice any symptom since HIV/AIDS acts as a silent killer (Miller et al. 528). However, in some situations, the individual may experience an influenza-like illness for a short time, which is followed by a prolonged illness. With time, the infection progresses, and the virus begins interfering with the immune system and increases the risks of developing tuberculosis, tumors, and several opportunistic infections. At a later stage, the sufferer starts losing weight quickly. Treatment of HIV/AIDS It is believed that the disease is spread due to unprotected sex (oral and anal sex), hypodermic syringes, from mother to child during breastfeeding, pregnancy, and delivery, and contaminated blood transfusions. Sometimes, bodily fluids like tears and saliva also transmit HIV, and the most suitable methods of prevention are needle exchange programs, safe and protected sex, pre-and-post exposure prophylaxis, male circumcision and treating the patients promptly. As of now, no definite vaccine is available to cure this disease; however, some therapies can help cure HIV infection to an extent. 1. Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) ART is a collection of medications that are used to treat HIV. According to Manish Sagar, these pharmaceutical drugs do no cure or kill the virus individually, but when they are used in combination, they can prevent the growth of the virus. When the reproduction cycle of this virus is slowed down, the disease gets managed automatically. Antiretroviral therapy is recommended to everybody who has HIV/AIDS, as these medications can help them live a healthier and longer life. Also, drugs can reduce the risks of HIV transmission (Sagar 353). The main goal of ART is to stop the viral production in a person’s body, but an undetectable viral load means the level of HIV in the blood is quite low, and it is difficult to detect through a viral load test. In this case, it may not be possible to determine whether ART will suit a specific individual or not. It is a common observation that people with HIV/AIDS who have long maintained an undetectable viral load do not have to worry about the risks transiting the disease to their HIV-negative partners via sex. 2. HIV Medications Just like ART, regular HIV medications help lower the viral load, improve the quality of life and fight infections for years or a lifetime. These medications are capable of reducing one’s chances of transmitting the disease, but if they are taken incorrectly, then death can occur instantly. The FDA has ...
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